What is Audirvana Studio Premiere

Where is Studio? Today May 16 is supposed to be the release date.

we still waiting from morning

Maybe it will be later today. They didn’t say a particular time. Just excited to download and start using it.

Seems odd one can’t even register for an account. Why not make that option available beforehand?!

They didn’t even say what year it will be released, just Sunday May 16. Did they mean 2027??


It would have been nice if at least a 3.5 license had been available for purchase now. Would have liked to have bought another one to avoid the subscription requirement. Instead, you leave this home page offline for 2 days. Without successor product

But I want it NOWWWW!

Well that is what Software Companies are like…

Looks like Audirvana isn’t making any $$$ today!

Failure to launch…bad sign?

I do not think so. Software development big project. Could just be issues modifying website or back systems, not necessarily the Studio product

On Steam we get new Games at 20:00 …

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looks like it’s live now…

Have just downloaded and installed.

Yeah, and too be honest, can’t say I’m impressed, it fails to properly organize my library of music as I have several duplicate albums in various formats and it has merged them all into one album.

I’ve tried my Gmail address, my Yahoo address and my AOL address it can’t find my account?

Found my license number via 2Checkout.com through Avengate for Audirvana Plus. Why does it keep saying cannot find my account?

It seems that we need a new account for this trial …

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