Where can I download a free trial version of Audirvana 3.5?

Where can I download a free trial version of Audirvana 3.5?

Thank you

You can’t. Since it’s no longer being sold and has been replaced by Audirvana Studio.

Thank you for responding!

If it’s really so, that sucks. I wanted to compare the sound difference between AS and 3.5 the other users refer to.

Besides I have AS free trial now and every time I launch the app it asks for log in name and password, cannot get rid of that. I was given an advice of installing an non admin account on my PC, I did, it didn’t make any difference - no such option as launch as a regular user, only as admin. Any suggestions on the issue?

Thank you in advance

Sadly I have no idea.

AS still has boat loads of bugs, especially the Windows version, but it logs in correctly here. On both my MacBook and Windows laptops. And I only had to log in once.

Thank you

Same problem here…very annoying. Must be an simple explanation for it i guess?. My trial ended (even doe i mailed for the 2 weeks longer free trial🙄 as mentioned by Audirvana) d
So now i’m stuck on 3.5 again… And i’m very happy with it. Don’t wanna p.ss off studio but to be honoust; i don’t see the point of upgrading to the subscription model… Untill i hear the difference again, i know…studio just sounds better. But can’t compare it … so i don’t miss it…
Bless all audio foolness…

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