Where does Studio sit on C drive

Im using Studio along with Fidelizer but need to link them up, but I cannot find exe file

You can access the .exe file with the address I specified below. The WindowsApps folder in the program folder is hidden by default. First you need to change this setting. However, the Audirvana folder name consisting of the numbers I indicated in bold may be different for each user.

Note: If you are a little more careful with the English language you use in your requests in the forum, more users will understand what you are writing. Studio does not sit on the C Drive, it does located on that drive.

C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9684-d80dbb7827cd_2.4.0.0_x64__q3nymrkmej12j\Audirvana\Audirvana.exe

Thank you for the information, and in future I will be more careful about my lazy use of the English language!

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