Win 1.11.0 Update - Drag and Drop

I just updated to the latest version of Studio on my PC and went to go drag and drop a set of songs I was listening to last night. Drag and drop is currently not working - crossed circle icon is the reply, by selecting a folder or even a single file. When time permits, please address. Thank you.

Hello @PasDeDeux,

Can you send a screenshot of where you are trying to use drag and drop?

It is rather difficult to capture a screenshot while dragging files over to the Play Queue. Or, at least, it is too early. But, yes, the Play Queue.

Are you trying this?

Feb-17-2022 11-08-03

The source of the music is outside of the Studio database - dragging and dropping music files from a hard drive. It has been working just fine prior to the update.

It works on the MacOS version but it doesn’t anymore on the Windows version. We will fix this in the next update of Audirvāna Studio


Thanks for confirming.

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