Win10 version download timeout

Win10 vision can not be downloaded, but Mac vision does. BTW, I have purchased.

Hello @chenyf51, can you make a screenshot of what is happening when you are installing Audirvana on your Windows 10 device?

there was no window coming up. but the interesting thing is , when i try to download the mac vision,everything became normal. so, i don’t think is my ie’s setting problem.

When you click on the download button, press Alt+space and select restore.

i tryed this on both ie and firefox, still useless

Do you have the Windows Store installed? Audirvana needs the app-installer to install.

yes, i do have the windows store installed

Have you installed App-Installer? You can find this app in the Microsoft Store. We use this app to install and update Audirvana.

I can’t find it in the microsoft store

You don’t have to search Audirvana, you need to search App Installer in the Microsoft Store.

I have already installed the App Installer. Issue still coming up

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