Wrong currency for Slovakia


when I want to subscribe for Audirvana on Account site in My Studio I have prices in USD but in Slovakia we have Euro. Please make it correct.
Thank you.

Hello @Dado,

Can you send me the post code you put in your account so I can try reproducing your issue?

Hello thank you for yor answer when I click on My Studio I choose country Slovakia and Zip code what I write is 92207

I can see where the issue is. Actually it’s the display of price that is not working properly for some countries. We are working on this but if you do not want to wait for a fix, I can guarantee you that when you pay, you will pay in Euros, not in Dollars.

We expect to fix this display bug tomorrow.

Thank you one more time for quick response and have a nice day.


I still have the problem with currency, it is stil in USD, and when i want to pay it is in euro but the price is higher it is more than 7,5 euro per month and in euro it shoud be 6,98 according to countries which have properly price in euro for exampe Austria.

Hello @Dado,

Sorry for this delay, we are still working on this, I will come back to you as soon as it will be fixed. I hope it will be the case today.

Hello @Dado,

The currency should be good now.

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