Account login not working

Origin stopped suddenly; messages:

Audirvana License

Request to the endpoint timed out

Exit or Go to your account page

I quit Origin and tried to login; not possible.

Message: HTTP error 504


Same here. On starting Studio get immediate request to sign in to Audirvana account which opens a browser window that never loads. Tried to sign in to my Audirvana account on another pc and got to entering my email address, but on clicking submit the page fails to load with some kind of server error.

Unable to use Studio as a consequence.
Screenshot 2024-05-05 151710

Yes, same problem/actions here. I guess it’s a technical server problem. We’ll have to wait for an Audirvana response.


Same here too. Audirvana Origin suddenly stopped and requested login. I also can’t log in to my Audirvana account via my browser. Troubles happen, but this design is totally annoying.


Same here. Unacceptable that Audirvana Origin stops playing and asks for a non working login while I am in the middle of listening to a concert


Exactly the same here, have had to create a new account with a different email address to be even able to post here

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same here i had to create a new account to post.

I would suggest you try again. Back up and logged in for me!

still not working for me in usa

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This is what I have seen, not always though. It takes minutes to appear. Logging in and out, even a reboot, and still not working

Problem resolved for me now in UK.

Same here (in UK), but it buffered up loads of login attempts!

same issue here. :expressionless:

yes, yes, the license server is down. For the software that I paid for and have been using without issue for over a year. The license I was using two days ago to listen to music is suddenly invalidated because of a server misconfiguration.

hello, IIS, I see you have a bad web.config in your site config.

From a technical and security stand point, is there a good reason to have to re-validate a piece of software once it’s been successfully authorized through the license server? If it can’t reach the server, should the software shut itself down or let the user continue using it until the server’s back up?

this is bad interaction design.


Also their tech support takes weekends off, which we are all suffering as a result

I use the Qobuz app waiting for tomorrow, still good without DSD upscale.

Will test the tidal app.

Oj tam, oj tam - o co ta afera!
Trzeba spokojnie poczekać i tyle.

if only there was a way to use the desktop app and control it with my phone or ipad remote app. however i do not think such a method exists which is why i paid for this service.

Login authentication is managed by Azure B2C whose server used by our tenant is currently down.
That’s why only offline mode works until this Azure is fixed.

Microsoft is aware of the incident and strongly working on it.

We are sorry for this strong issue of our cloud provider that is preventing you from enjoying your music.
We’ll keep you posted.

Damien Plisson

PS: Azure current health status

Azure Active Directory B2C - Europe - Investigating

Impact Statement
Starting at 13:40 UTC on 05 May 2024, you have been identified among a subset of customers using Azure Active Directory B2C in Europe who may experience failures when trying to sign-up or sign-in to B2C applications. Password resets by end users may also experience failures. Retries may be successful.

Current Status
We are actively working to Identify the root cause and determine the mitigation work streams. The next update will be provided in 120 minutes, or as events warrant.


Off line mode is not working for myself and many others it should be noted.