Audirvana 3.5.51 install failed

sous Windows 11 j’ai ce message d’erreur lors de la tentative de mise à jour
Que faire ?

Merci de votre réponse

Bonjour @daniel,

Pouvez-vous essayer la procédure dans ce fil de discussion?

I have Audirvana license for 3.5 (since June 2020)
When I try to upgrade I get the following message


Please advice

Hello @zolom,

Can you try the procedure you can find here?

Audirvana 3.5.46 can no longer be updated via App Installer. In the Windows 10 Control Panel, I can’t find and uninstall Audirvana (the AppData folder is shared). Here is the error message.

App installation failed with error message: Das Paket"Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-d80dbb7827cd_3.5.51.0_neutral_~_q3nymrkmej12j" kann nicht installiert werden, da bereits ein anderes Paket "Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-

I deleted the specified package, but I still can’t install the update. How can I uninstall Audirvana cleanly and download the latest version right away?

That helped but when I ran it I got the following message. Apparently, I’m to uninstall the current version(#46), is that right? If I uninstall it will I keep all of my settings and licence info for the new installation?

App installation failed with error message: Windows cannot install package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-d80dbb7827cd_3.5.51.0_neutral_~q3nymrkmej12j because a different package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-d80dbb7827cd_3.5.46.0_neutral~fec4hfhj3emgj with the same name is already installed. Remove package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-d80dbb7827cd_3.5.46.0_neutral~_fec4hfhj3emgj before installing. (0x80073cf3)

Hello @JCLCan,

You should take a look at the solution on this thread.

Worked perfectly, thanks!

Hi, failed also here - get this:
Fordern Sie vom Entwickler ein neues App-Paket an. Dieses Paket kann Konflikte mit einem bereits installierten Paket verursachen, von nicht installierten Komponenten abhängen (Paketabhängigkeiten) oder für eine andere Architektur ausgelegt sein (0x80073CF3).

Does not matter if I use the link above or go direct to the update in the Software.
Win 10… coming from V 3.5.44

Hello @sebabe,

Can you take a look at this solution? Audirvana 3.5.50 install failed - #6


I am using 3.5.46 and the update page says I can update to 3.5.51. But when doing so I get this message below:
3.5 update

Can you please give me explicit directions how to update to 3.5.51…Thanks Marc

J’ai acheté une licence audirvana il y a quelques années maintenant.
Je dispose de la version 3.5.46.
J’ai fait une recherche de mise à jour mais j’obtiens le message : “impossible d’ouvrir le package de l’application” … “Le protocole ms-appinstaller a été désactivé” …
Je ne peux donc pas mettre à jour mon logiciel ?
Merci d’avance pour vos réponses.

Bonjour @RVHA,

Pouvez-vous regarder la solution proposée ici:

Wanted to update from Audirvana 3.5.46 to the downloaded on Windows 10 64-bit. Got following error:

App installation failed with error message: Windows cannot install package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-d80dbb7827cd_3.5.51.0_neutral_~_q3nymrkmej12j because a different package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-


Direct update from within the running Audirvana program is rejected with error:
Cannot open app package because ms-appinstaller protocol has been disabled on the Audirvana host side.

Hi @Sven,

Please take a look at the solution here:

I have never had any problems until today (18/12/2022) updating version 3.5, it says " the ms app installer has been disabled. Please ask the vendor to update the web link" whats that mean?

Hi @Peter1,

Please take a look at the solution of this thread :wink:

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I cannot upgrade the version I use, I keep getting this message…“App installation failed with error message: Windows cannot install package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-d80dbb7827cd_3.5.51.0_neutral_~_q3nymrkmej12j because a different package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-”
Anyone help?

Hi @Peter1,

Like I said in December, please take a look at the solution of this thread

I have been trying to update 3.5.46 to current version for a year now. I keep having a windows error:

App installation failed with error message: Windows cannot install package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-d80dbb7827cd_3.5.51.0_neutral_~q3nymrkmej12j because a different package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-d80dbb7827cd_3.5.46.0_neutral~fec4hfhj3emgj with the same name is already installed. Remove package Audirvana.Audirvana-4118-9484-d80dbb7827cd_3.5.46.0_neutral~_fec4hfhj3emgj before installing. (0x80073cf3)

Can someone help me with this?