Audirvāna for LINUX and NAS (QNAP/Synology) officially released

Update done : what is the release note ?
Everything ok

There is no release note apart from trying fixing the crashes people got :wink:

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Does this change version ? : I’ve seen update when done apt update but version do not change on app (I’ve restarted service)

Autant pour moi mauvaise manip suis maintenant en

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Trying to login from remote, but I have not received a password for trial…

Pi OS Bookwork + Audirvana bug on finding local files.

I had setup my muic in the Pi/Music folder. I upgraded and rebooted.

I cannot navigte to folders below the username.


Il semble y avoir un réel problème d’authentifaction/autorisation avec la version Linux Studio.

J’ai essayé la version Origin. Ce soir j’essaie de me connecter sur le même serveur sur la version Studio, avec la Remote, et j’ai une page d’accueil qui me demande
“veuillez saisir les 6 chiffres affichés sur l’écran de votre ordinateur”.

Mon ordinateur est un serveur Headless…

Il y a t’il quelque chose de particulier à faire ici ?
Par avance merci,

on my side he frequently said the message error there are 2 applications connecting, but not at all…

normally, you must use your Audirvana account login and password.
You might have create an account to get your trial period.
Note that Audirvana Studio works very well on Audiolinux even with Ramroot.
I’ve used debtap to convert deb package.

Just updated to the latest Linux build.
After initial install, all seemed good. I was asked for my account credentials on the app, which then showed the correct subscription expiry date.
I could also see all of my Qobuz favourites.

Unfortunately after a system restart, back to normal.
Offline mode only, with no account information shown.
@Antoine , is it really worth me bothering to Beta test this build anymore? Or am I missing a trick?

With my limited knowledge of Linux, it would appear that any settings saved upon initial start-up are not saved?

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I have tried many times, but the trial password is not sent to me, only an image.
If I use the forget password option, there is the warning “an account cannot be found…”

I think there is no trial password; it is your current audirvana password.

On the remote screen I see “For your first login, use the password provided in the email with the download link”

If I must test beta for Audiolinux/Archlinux I need a password.

Package is ready.

Have you checked your Spam folder?

I’m using a RPI5, Debian Bookworm and a Topping E50 usb DAC.
Installed Audirvana Studio ok. Mounted an SD card for local music, Qobuz worked and so did the internet radio. Did a reboot, lost the DAC and it was at maximum gain! tried a couple more reboots but that did not resolve anything. Upgraded to and the DAC came back after 5 minutes but I lost my local music and could only stream. So I did another reboot and now have lost the connection with the remote. Is there a way to restore the default setting? Can you make the default Software volume control and have it low? I know there is a warning but I am worried I will blow up my speakers!
Reboots break everything, the upgrade found my DAC but lost my local music.


Can you please look at your emails? You should have received a new email to confirm your account (you need to click on Download Audirvāna Studio or Audirvāna Origin)

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Yes I have received the password now but trying to login I have the error “We can’t seem to find your account”

I am using the email beginning with hifi25nl

Have you first clicked on “download Audirvāna Studio” or download Audirvāna Origin"?

Ok, thanks, now working