Audirvāna for LINUX and NAS (QNAP/Synology) officially released

Is this supposed to be able to play to other UPnP renderers on the network as its not seeing any on mine at all. All other apps see them fine.

I have installed it on qnap 473a without problems except, that I get this error

“024-04-15 13:57:55.168 [info]: No language set in settings, using system language: en_US.UTF-8
2024-04-15 13:57:55.207 [info]: RemoteServer: Server started and advertised on port 39169
2024-04-15 13:57:55.997 [info]: UPnP stack initialized using default interface
2024-04-15 13:57:56.198 [info]: UPnP web server started on
2024-04-15 13:57:56.353 [error]: UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -107
2024-04-15 13:57:56.354 [error]: UPnP: Error obtaining device description from – error = -107”

and therefore it does not play any music of the remote app.

help anybody ?

Hi @marcog,

Can you send us a copy of the "Debug Info“ when you have this issue? You can get it in Audirvana Settings>My account.

Note: When you click on the Debug Info button, Audirvana automatically copies all its content. Please paste it in response to this message.



I am sorry but on the phone I cannot copy the debug info here.

Problem solved it was a port forwarding issue, now I can play anything except local folder which “looks empty” from the phone but not from pc. Solved the local folder too, I found the share folder to link to the nas.


Je viens d’installer la version studio sur un pure NAS audio monté sous Debian. Le deamon se lance sans problème et je le vois sur le remote.
Pour lancer le test, j’ai créé un compte “Trial” de 30 jours et j’ai bien reçu le mot de passe temporaire qui permet d’activer le soft.
Malheureusement, lorsque je tape l’adresse du compte et le mot de passe reçu sur le remote, j’ai un message qui m’indique “We can’t seem to find your account”.

Comment puis-je activer Audirvana ?

Edit : Il faut d’abord activer la version sur windows… Ensuite la version Linux peut fonctionner.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Segmentation fault after logging in


To get access to my music files that belong to “root” user, I have to launch Audirvana service as “root”. Normal behaviour.

What is annoying me is that the “time-lap” for songs don’t operate and don’t display the current song time. While the song play normally, the timelap on the remote (android) stick at 0. The full length time of the song is displayed at the end of the time-lap, but the cursor don’t move and stay at 0. This happen with both Origin or Studio.

If I use the time-lap to move in the music, it operate well

Is this related to the “roort” user, or something else ?

Thank you.

Edit : using “root” is the only way for me top access to my local music, even if the music belong to “nobody:nogroup”. If I use the Audirvana default user I can see the files, but can’t use them. I use 644 as default mask for the music

Second Edit : the time-lap now operate. It’s look like it was a file permission problem. Set them to “nobody:nogroup” seem to do the trick

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It’s true this site has many with issues, that’s what this site is for…problem solving.
That the vast majority of Audirvana users are not on this forum shows that in most use cases Audirvana is perfectly ok.

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I’m unsure about this; I will need to ask Damien if this can be enabled.

Hi @CrystalGipsy,

I recommend you to try it on QNAP, it’s really easy to install it :wink:

But runs like a dog unfortunately and wont see any of my renderers.

qnap 473 a problem with login to audirvana
" no computer was recogonized
please use the same wifi network on both devices

Hi @Zdzislaw_Oracz,

Do you get this issue each time you try connecting the Remote to the NAS?


2024-04-16 14:56:43.050 [critical]: Audirvana Studio crash log
2024-04-16 14:56:43.050 [critical]: Date: 2024-4-16 12:56:28
2024-04-16 14:56:43.050 [critical]:
2024-04-16 14:56:43.050 [critical]: Signal: SIGSEGV
2024-04-16 14:56:43.050 [critical]:
2024-04-16 14:56:43.050 [critical]: /share/ZFS530_DATA/.qpkg/audirvana-studio/audirvanaStudio(+0xfd2adc)[0x55ebbe913adc]
2024-04-16 14:56:43.051 [critical]: /lib64/
2024-04-16 14:56:43.051 [critical]: /share/ZFS530_DATA/.qpkg/audirvana-studio/audirvanaStudio(+0x1690b5)[0x55ebbdaaa0b5]
2024-04-16 14:56:43.051 [critical]:
2024-04-16 14:56:43.051 [critical]:
2024-04-16 14:56:43.051 [critical]: Fault location: 0x0
2024-04-16 14:56:43.051 [info]: ============= Started Logging, Audirvana Studio linux =============
2024-04-16 14:56:43.051 [info]: No language set in settings, using system language: en_US.UTF-8
2024-04-16 14:56:43.111 [error]: Not logged to Audirvana account: need to sign in

Yes, it works!
Yesterday Installed on QNAP TS-228, but it runs not at the fastest. Remotes on iPAD and Andriod TAB initialized. After 20 hours analysing Audiodata has reached 82%, but I have a lot TDs, mixed CD, HigRres, DSD/SACD and MQA. Tidal works. So it seems I can stop using MCConnect.

Have Studio running on MAC-OS Ventura or Windows 10.

Is the NAS-License in addiion or is switching correct? So if running Audirvana NAS, my Desktop Audirvana is stopped.

More when i have played a few hours after ending Audiodata analsys.

See this :point_down:

Hi everyone,

Can you please update the Audirvāna package on your Linux version and test it?

In the case of QNAP, you need to download the new package (only Audirvāna Studio) from the link you can find here: :point_down:

Now is starting! The .ini file was not created. Tomorrow I will test it.
Thanks for the information.