Audirvāna Remote 5.0 is LIVE

With 2024-02-06T23:00:00Z's update of your Remote apps for both iOS and Android, all settings can be now changed using the Remote:

  • Audio: Plugin activation, Upsampling, Volume leveling

  • Library: Folder synchronization management, Replay Gain analysis

  • Streaming: connection to Qobuz/TIDAL/HighResAudio/

  • Appearance: Language, display of the progress bar as a waveform

  • Audio Scan

  • Enlarge the album artwork with a tap on the mini-player or the album view

  • Improved automatic reconnection

  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes


I’ve noticed with the iPad app the release year of every album is one year behind it’s actual release year (ie: 2022-12-31 when it should be 2023-12-31). Also I would suggest the removal of the month and date as it actually does not work and just says 12-31 for every album, even if I’ve included the month and date in the metadata. And still no year date for any albums prior to 1971?

What you mention is also in the desktop app, right? Then it’s not related to the Remote, only the desktop app.

Are these features available when using the remote to connect to Audirvana3.5?

I just updated the remote app but don’t see any additional control.


No, it’s the iPad app, every album is one year behind. The desktop is correct. See screen caps

In my setup the release date when entered in the format yyyy/mm/dd, is displayed correctly both in the desktop and the remote.



So strange. I can’t understand unless it has something to due with Origin vs Studio versions of Audirvana?

I remember kinda of this with musicbrainz tag then in studio, you see 1984 release date but seen dec 31 1983 in that tag, can’t verified now, now with origin, but not even home to check my old tag from that era are still dec 31 19xx maybe later :grinning:

Big bug, but can be edited to stick i found…
The date you enter in the album release date field for 1970 and 1969, 1968 to Jesus year :grinning: as to be the LAST thing you edit in the tag for that album to make it stick… you change something there after, you see then it brings you there to that empty field, and have to reenter the album release date to stick again :roll_eyes:

Very odd, if, you look at the release date on the album in Audirvāna, what do you see?

Edit album cover

Nothing has been made for the 3.5 part of the Remote. Generally speaking, we won’t add new things to it. The 3.5 part will only get modifications if something big is broken in it.

Finally ! Thank you soooo much :heart:


Just got the updated remote for iOS… excellent, works a charm.


Here you go.

Also, here are screen caps (iPad and Origin Desktop) of a new album release (Feb 2, 2024) I just purchased last night.

That’s so odd. Such a weird fix, that doesn’t make any sense.

I would also like to know your Sort and display order:

Ok, sounds good. Thanks!

:slight_smile: it is my fix… at least i have all my 1970 and under that stick…
yes waiting for a fix…
and also being able to see an album date on my iPhone remote like on iPad,

Here you go.