Audirvāna Studio Trial Extension

Anglais :grinning:

That may be the reason. It may take some time, if the employee in charge of the requests, has to pass through Google Translate to understand what you wrote to him.
I wrote to them in French.

De mon côté mes deux mails étaient en français.

For my part both emails were in French.

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Pour appuyer ma demande, je me suis prévalu de Damien3 en précisant qu’il a dit de leur écrire.

104…at least

My AS trial expired last June 15 and 1.3 still has playback problems. I was sent an email about the remote but obviously no way to test it anymore.

This AS experience is just <> and when I thought 3.x support couldn’t get any worse.

I finally paid for 1 month as no feedback for trial extension, hoping that the 1.4.5 would help. The good news is that AS knows perfectly well how to take your money.
reading the release note «Improve audio files analysis progress information », if you are able to see how it improves, please let me know. Till now : No Change. Now that i paid for at least one month, should i have a better support ?

After all this time, your analysis is not over yet?

So the analysis doesn’t end for me either, it still continues as in 1.3 :-1:

Based on past experiences I would wager a NO.


My analysis never ended with 1.3 and before. The evolution of analysis progress on v1.4.5 is, according to me the same than before. Nothing changed in terms of visual. I re-started an analysis from scratch with a new library.
This is the last chance i give to AS with this month of subscription.
I’m glad that they are mentioning they solved minor bugs in this version but would be better to solve the biggest bugs.

Really ? I was expecting so much….

I do t have millions of albums. But they are divided into separate folders depending on where they were purchased or ripped. The sort is still my decision so bresking them up allows me to add folders one-by-one. That may resolve the analysis issues you suffer.

And AS can still be used whe files are analysing. And if you close for the night, analysis will pick up next am. Analysis will only occur once. Add a file and only that file will be analysed.

Don’t forget they will take your money every month automatically until you remember to cancel it. Just saying…


Are you saying that you were told remote for AS was available to you? Damien had previously said this was how they would communicate the remote was available.

@philipjohnson I’m doing the same : step by step but failing again and again, restarting some analysis after having killed the task…
@Music123 thanks for the reminder.

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Is this Mac or Windows?

My trial just expired and I’m back on 3.5. The Remote would have been realIy important to me, but alas.

I don’t actually remember what all of Studio’s enhancements were. All I know is that I can read the UI text again now, without squinting :slightly_smiling_face:

Being not alone will not change anything. My trial will stop EOD,
I received last saturday a mail announcing that remote would be available this week. Seems not.
And no response to my mail to Audirvana Support, asking for some trial extension.

This is not very serious. Audirvana announcement was obviously made too early, product is not ready, support is not ready.

I understand the reasons to move to a subscription model. But we want to have something back for the money we will pay. Looks it is not the case.

I’m back to 3.5 version. Let’s reconsider AS later perhaps, for now it’s not ready.


C’est ce que j’ai fait également.