Can't log in to Audirvana Studio App

I have a 3.5 license and I have a 30 days trial for AStudio but still can’t log in

same thing for me it can’t find my account. I purchased 3.x Plus in 2017 and have an active working copy of 3.5

Well not showing expired, can’t find my registered email.

I think that the site is severely broken right now. I cant even get logged in. Tells me my email exists, and is sending me the one time code, then it goes nowhere.

I got it working by resetting my password three times. It appears to be installing now.

It sends me reset codes, I even added my Yahoo address as another email, still can’t find an account.

Try at I can see my trial subscription there.

thank you but it still cant find my account. I do not think I should need to reregister, I’ve owned every Audirvana license since v1.

This is a new version of Audirvana… Studio. You need to register to be connected to internet to use that version of software… you can disconnect or connect yourself on that page… so, old audirvana or new user, you have to log there in your account…

Even if you previously bought Audirvana you need to create an account to get your trial. If you can’t log on another device with Studio this means you already have a device connected to Studio and you need to disconnect it in

Hello @fightality, you already have a device connected, if you click on the disconnect button you will be able to log in Studio on another device.

No, it does not work

  1. I have created a new account and got a AStudio trial
  2. Connected my device
  3. Trying LOG IN on THAT device
  4. Get message ‘Subscription expired’

If you click on the button disconnect in your account it doesn’t work?

If you click on the button disconnect in your account it doesn’t work?

Yes I tried this too - disconnected my device and connected again in the AStudio App - still get Subscription Expired

Curiously, I created 3 new accounts yesterday and every time I could not enter the application. But today I asked my friend to give me his account and it works.

On peut en effet espérer que les choses s’améliorent rapidement, sinon, il sera impossible de souscrire à Audirvana Studio. Je suis dans la même situation : malgré la création de plusieurs comptes et l’envoi du code de vérification, il n’est pas possible de se connecter. À chaque fois, l’adresse e-mail est inconnue.

We have to hope that things will improve quickly, otherwise it will be impossible to subscribe to Audirvana Studio. I am in the same situation: despite creating several accounts and sending the verification code, it is not possible to connect. Each time, the email address is unknown.

Bonjour @FoxtrotDelta59,

Avez-vous bien reçu le mail activation et cliquer sur le bouton Essayer Audirvana Studio? Une fois cela fait vous devez utiliser le mot de passe temporaire pour pouvoir lancer Audirvana.

Bonjour Damien. Je suis tout à fait en mesure d’utiliser AS depuis mon mac, il n’y a pas de problème là-dessus. Mais si je veux aller dans mon compte depuis AS, c’est là que les choses se gâtent. Quand bien même je remets le code d’activation puis entre mon adresse mail avec mon mot de passe, la fenêtre m’indique qu’il n’y pas de compte.