Crashing when closing Audirvana

Despite complete reinstallation and deep cleansing, the propensity for Audirvana to crash when closing is a never ending problem. I must have personally submitted 100 reports through apple by now. The bugginess of the software is really too high. This is very poor quality control.

Try deleting your preferences:

*Apple hide the Home Folder in User Library at some time depending on OS System… When you have clicked your Home Folder, and cannot see the Library Folder in there, just do a ‘‘cmd J’’ to show the folder settings preferences and see at the bottom… click Show Library Folder and then you’ll have access to the rest forever.

Close Audirvana

Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Preferences…
trash com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus.plist and com.audirvana.Audirvana.plist
in that folder (those are A+ software preferences, back them up if you want to put those back).

Restart MAC. Restart Audirvana and see.

Maybe you should have said before what macos system you have and what version of Audirvana… maybe they don’t go together…

Thanks. I have done that multiple times. It only lasts as long as something gets added to the library. Once the library grows or is modified the crashing on closing resumes.

I am running the latest iteration of 10.14. Thank you.

So, then it is working fine always if you don’t add anything for days for exemple…

Where is / are your music folder?
iTunes related ?

You tried the 3 Steps database maintenance ?

Yes that’s correct. Adding or editing metadata of existing seems to be the catalyst.

My music folder is on its own internal HDD.

I have tried the three steps of database maintenance and an assortment of other tweaks.

try to narrow it down…
all files added make it crash or just some identical type of files ?
you edit any files or just some make it crash…

it crash only when shut down Audirvana?

you wanna try my recipe to start over…

Big text, but fast doing it…

Start fresh Audirvana by deleting those files…

If you have Playlists that are important export them first to desktop and save them in a folder… when Audirvana is reset, you can re-import them back in one shot. sadly to this day, the folders they were in if so, are not back, you have to do them again…

Before doing this, maybe you should not connect after deleting those files to Roon, Tidal or others… Install Audirvana alone with your database… if working, log to Roon or else after.

Apple hide the Home Folder in User Library at some time depending on OS System…
When you have clicked your Home Folder, and cannot see the Library Folder in there,
just do a ‘‘cmd J’’ to show the folder settings preferences and see at the bottom…
click Show Library Folder and then you’ll have access to the rest forever.

Starting for new Audirvana:
Close Audirvana

Go to the Main Library Folder… PrivilegedHelperTools folder…
Trash All the files in that folder from Audirvana (that folder install SysOptimizer)
Go to the Main Library Folder… LaunchDaemons Folder…
Trash All the files in that folder from Audirvana (SystemOptimizer and prefs files)
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Applications Support… Audirvana Folder…
Trash All the files in that folder (that is your database of music, back it up! or not)
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Cookies…
Trash com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus.binarycookies
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Preferences…
trash com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus.plist and com.audirvana.Audirvana.plist in that folder (those are A+ software preferences)
Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Caches… com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus
trash the files in that folder

Restart MAC.

This will reset pretty much Audirvana like new. You will need you serial number.

Open Audirvana, enter serial, choose a library folder at first it will sync in top middle of main window… LET IT GO, even better don’t try to adjust windows or edit files, even playing music while it is not finished… you’ll see the progress bar going… Could be long the first time depending on how large your library is, and MAC is fast or not… go to sleep if it is too long :slight_smile:

Then when finished, shut down Audirvana, yes close it before playing a song… That way you will have your database from scratch saved without crashing. Then copy the .sqlite file to somewhere else as a backup, then open Audirvana, and try to play a song.

You got brand new interface and new sound… Go to Audirvana menu and select preferences…
look at them all, then click on speaker icon in the bottom right main window… select your DAC,
then the arrow right of it and look at all the preferences there too… ready, click library icon on top right, click cover if you prefer covers over tracks mode… cmd + or - will make them bigger or smaller… click a cover to see it songs… do cmd i to see the info panel of that album, click a song and select them all with cmd A and do cmd i to see all their infos to be edited by you if needed… double click a song and listen, be happy :slight_smile:

I thank you for your attention, however these are all the steps I have taken several times including very recently. I found them in other posts by you.

Unfortunately the bugs are winning. Modify library - Audirvana starts crashing on exit.

Bizarre. Can you add your music by batch and see if crashing when closing, then add more and see again. Might be a corrupt file ?

I have thought about that.
One would think it would get hung up when pointing Audirvana to the folder for the first time.
Do you know another way to scan/validate a folder full of FLACs for corrupt file?

my music is on a external hard drive… it is a folder called music with 26 letters in it for my different groups grouped by letters… if i was you, i’ll do a new folder just external of the one you use in Audirvana called anything you want… untitled… drag all your music from Audrivana folder to this one. Then, you see you will have no more song in your Audirvana window of Software after 2 minutes maybe. Then i would put back the letter A in my Audirvana folder… Audirvana will scan them as soon as it see them… then i’ll quit Audirvana. No Crash? i’ll put back letter B, close Audirvana again. No Crash? put back Letter C…

It will surely crash somewhere with what your bug is you said… then when you see it crashed at letters M for exemple, you remove all groups from letter M then quit Audirvana, no crash? you know now it is there in letter M… put back half of your M groups… then see…

If it doesn’t cure it, don’t close Audirvana :slight_smile:

it only happens when metadata has been modified or the library expands

All metadata from any group?

Thread 22 Crashed:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff6065b2c2 __pthread_kill + 10
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff60716bf1 pthread_kill + 284
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff605c56a6 abort + 127
3 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007fff5d7a9641 abort_message + 231
4 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007fff5d7a97c7 default_terminate_handler() + 243
5 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff5ed5c783 _objc_terminate() + 105
6 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007fff5d7b519e std::__terminate(void ()()) + 8
7 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007fff5d7b4f86 __cxxabiv1::failed_throw(__cxxabiv1::__cxa_exception
) + 27
8 libc++abi.dylib 0x00007fff5d7a7f99 __cxa_throw + 113
9 libc++.1.dylib 0x00007fff5d79b0e7 std::__1::__throw_system_error(int, char const*) + 77
10 libc++.1.dylib 0x00007fff5d75a0d3 std::__1::recursive_mutex::lock() + 29
11 com.audirvana.Audirvana 0x00000001007e1111 0x100000000 + 8261905
12 com.audirvana.Audirvana 0x00000001007e08a4 0x100000000 + 8259748
13 com.audirvana.Audirvana 0x00000001000b4812 0x100000000 + 739346
14 com.audirvana.Audirvana 0x00000001000b5faa 0x100000000 + 745386
15 com.audirvana.Audirvana 0x000000010002cab7 0x100000000 + 182967
16 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff607142eb _pthread_body + 126
17 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff60717249 _pthread_start + 66
18 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff6071340d thread_start + 13

Terminating With Uncaught Exception