Dsd playback on ps audio dsj

It’s the same upsampling screen you attached above. Just disable upsampling there.

Sorry its still not computing with me if you send me a screen shot when you get the chance

Click on the cogged wheel in the Upsampling section next to r8brain and select forced upsampling “Deactivated”.

It goes back to pcm when i do that

That’s normal. You are playing PCM.

I thought the main reason for the dsj was to play in dsd

Internally the dsj does upsample to dsd, but it shows the format of the original signal you put in, which is PCM in this case. If you put DSD in it it will show DSD. Behind the scenes (without showing you) it upsamples everything.
Also Audirvana shows the format of the original PCM it puts out to the dsj, because Audirvana is not upsampling and has no way of knowing (and frankly does not care) what the dsj is doing internally.

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Ok thanks, i should have had a v.8

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