License file Lost

Some people will never be happy when they’re no longer able to make use of a piece of software they’ve apparently paid for.

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He had the license file in January and sent it to Antoine. So Antoine has the license file.

It does sound fishy, like the user is trying to get a free upgrade. But hey, maybe it’s a honest mistake.

It’s amazing how many of you others jumped to conclusions.

Then move on. It’s not that you paid arm and leg for it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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I don’t know where you live fella, but if you let me know where you drink next time I visit I’ll come and lift £50 from your wallet. You obviously won’t mind.

Yeah, You get a whiff of that? The flies are circling soon.

Osmium should be nervous about its spot on the list…puzzled really?

Running Raul around waisting his time, just have the bollocks to tell him to piss off it would be more honest. The guys with the 3.5 thing just get ignored totally. Well I’m going to get moving on, won’t waste any more time or money being a beta tester for Audirvana. Had big enthusiasm that they were going to professionally run things but its way to obvious they have bit off way too much.

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Amen, Consider it charity

Thanks for everything @bitracer your a stand up guy!

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Neither would you. It won’t change your life. You don’t like what Audirvana has to offer, cut your losses and move to a better life elsewhere.

Yeah, cool
I assume I get a refund for a shonky product?

Actually yes, I would.

100% @Jim_F

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Love your use of good old Anglo Saxon English patois mate :rofl: :rofl: :+1:

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He sent the license file to Antoine un January, so the user had the license file back then.

It’s a bit weird that he comes back again fishing for the license file. I assume that Antoine has the file and can provide it.

Isn’t it a bit late to ask a refund for a product that’s been discontinued? Consider that you bought a t-shirt you don’t like.

Studio’s been discontinued?
Well, I never knew that.

Studio is not a problem. You just stop your subscription, problem solved. I though you were yapping about legacy products.

Exactly, we don’t know Rauls personal/finances situation, seems that the dots all connected, Antione says as much from my decoding of the flim flam

it seems very important to Raul so I assume (dangerous I know) He doesn’t have ability to do studio currently. With the customer service or lack thereof who would ?

Lets just move on, Audirvana is building their reputation with this stuff. Gallic Shrug…Yep

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I bought all the Audirvana Plus players, and they were decent applications.
That’s why I bought 3.5 at its release. But this application was a crap from the start.
So yes, I’m unhappy with what I got, and I never use it. I hate wasting my time.

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Yapping? :rofl: :rofl:
Even more reason to lift 50 notes off of you mate :rofl: