List of UI problems

AS 1.7 macOS

  • It´s not possible to delete tracks from a manual playlist. Right clicking the track would show that possibility, but it´s greyed out. Hitting the delete button should work as follows: a dialogue would ask you, if you want to delete the track from the playlist or if you want to delete it from the library. Choosing the 2nd option a next dialogue would ask you, if you want to move the file to the trash or if you want to leave it on the HD.

  • In search view when an album or an artist has been chosen the “Play” and “Shuffle” buttons have now been removed - before they existed, but didn’t work.

  • In search view the “Lokal” section shows 1 artist: for me the “Lokal” section of the view is superfluous, because the section with albums and artists show all the items in the local library. Clicking on “Show all”, all albums / artists are correctly shown, but the buttons “play / heart / shuffle” miss, so you can´t play the selected items.

  • Choosing an artist in artist view shows the albums belonging to this artist: “Play” and “Shuffle” buttons don’t work.

  • In list view only in a playlist, it’s not possible to choose a track thus you can´t choose the Info window.

  • Changing in a playlist from list view to album view shows extremly little album icons or sometimes a black screen. With the whole library it works correctly.

  • The backward / forward button on top in the menu bar works sometimes correctly sometimes it looses the last step and ends in an empty window. Example: Changing from album view to list view works, the attempt to go to the album view doesn’t work. The backward command does not work to find back to the album view. 2nd example: In search view I choose an artist, the backward button leads to an black window.

  • If you select an album, you see on top of the tracks the 3 buttons play / heart / shuffle. Play / shuffle should start playing the album, shouldn´t they?. If shuffle was activated before, hitting the play button on top should start playing the 1st track removing the shuffle option (it doesn´t remove shuffle) and hitting the shuffle button on top should always start playback in shuffle mode. The shuffle button on top only activates shuffle option, but does not start playback.

  • Album view only in playlists: the area where you can open to the list view of an album is to much in the center, so I often have to click several times to get to the list view. Please widen the responsiv area as in the view of the whole library.

  • Klicking on top in the menu bar on the icons for list or album view: clicking the same icon a second time removes the highlighting. The highlighting should stay.

  • Shuffle means, that a list is played in a random way. AS always starts with the same track. Realy random would be, if also the 1st track would be randomly computed.

  • Cmd L: Should show the played track. In album view it scrolls to the album correctly. In list view it should scroll to the played track, but doesn’t.

  • In the album view of the actual played album the played track is highlighted purple. Selecting another track highlights it also purple: this is confusing. Maybe an other colour would be the solution or showing the play button on the left of the played track.

Filter editor

Management of the filter editor:

  • Setting the value in the 3rd column must be followed by the command “Enter”. Please add the command “Enter” automatically by adding a new rule or closing the filter editor.

  • Changing for example from album to genre in the 1st column removes the value in the 3rd column. This is very unpractical: please leave the value in the 3rd column and recompute the search with the changed value.

  • In the filter editor, at least in the german version, choosing “Mindestens eine Regel muss gelten” on top of the filter editor, AS shows “Alle Kriterien sind wahr”. Mouse over shows the correct value.

  • Dropdown list of filter criteria is not in alphabetical order.


Hello @o99,

Before going any further with all of the threads you sent, please check that you are using 1.7.1 and in the playlist you are not in a smart playlists. A lot of the issue you are pointing are not here anymore in Studio.


Thank you @Antoine for your fast response.
I just tested AS 1.7.1. I’m very happy to see many improvements.


  • Deleting Tracks from playlists works now :blush:

  • In list view only in a playlist, it’s not possible to choose a track thus you can´t choose the Info window. :blush:

  • If you select an album, you see on top of the tracks the 3 buttons play / heart / shuffle. Play / shuffle should start playing the album, shouldn´t they?.
    Now they start playback. :blush:
    Not solved: If shuffle was activated before, hitting the play button on top should start playing the 1st track removing the shuffle option (it doesn´t remove shuffle).

  • Klicking on top in the menu bar on the icons for list or album view: clicking the same icon a second time removes the highlighting. The highlighting should stay. :blush:

  • Cmd L: Should show the played track. In album view it scrolls to the album correctly. In list view it should scroll to the played track, but doesn’t. :blush:

  • In the album view of the actual played album the played track is highlighted purple. Selecting another track highlights it also purple: this is confusing. :blush:
    Not solved: Maybe an other colour would be the solution or showing the play button on the left of the played track.

  • Setting the value in the 3rd column must be followed by the command “Enter”. Please add the command “Enter” automatically by adding a new rule or closing the filter editor. :blush:

  • In the filter editor, at least in the german version, choosing “Mindestens eine Regel muss gelten” on top of the filter editor, AS shows “Alle Kriterien sind wahr”. Mouse over shows the correct value. :blush:

Not yet solved

  • In search view when an album or an artist has been chosen the “Play” and “Shuffle” buttons have now been removed - before they existed, but didn’t work.

  • In search view the “Lokal” section shows 1 artist: for me the “Lokal” section of the view is superfluous, because the section with albums and artists show all the items in the local library. Clicking on “Show all”, all albums / artists are correctly shown, but the buttons “play / heart / shuffle” miss, so you can´t play the selected items.

  • Choosing an artist in artist view shows the albums belonging to this artist: “Play” and “Shuffle” buttons don’t work.

  • Changing in a playlist from list view to album view shows extremly little album icons or sometimes a black screen. With the whole library it works correctly.

  • The backward / forward button on top in the menu bar works sometimes correctly sometimes it looses the last step and ends in an empty window. Example: Changing from album view to list view works, the attempt to go to the album view doesn’t work. The backward command does not work to find back to the album view. 2nd example: In search view I choose an artist, the backward button leads to an black window.

  • Album view only in playlists: the area where you can open to the list view of an album is to much in the center, so I often have to click several times to get to the list view. Please widen the responsiv area as in the view of the whole library.

  • Shuffle means, that a list is played in a random way. AS always starts with the same track. Realy random would be, if also the 1st track would be randomly computed.

  • Changing for example from album to genre in the 1st column removes the value in the 3rd column. This is very unpractical: please leave the value in the 3rd column and recompute the search with the changed value.

  • Dropdown list of filter criteria is not in alphabetical order. Please sort it.

New problem

  • If I write in the search field; AS makes propositions :blush: and shows the latest queries :blush:
    If then I want to choose show all, this just removes the list of latest queries. I have to hit a second time, what I want to choose. Choosing of a proposition should be possible with an open list of latest queries and then remove that and go to the chosen.
    Additionally what I wrote in the search field stays there. When I klick again in the search field and hit enter, nothing happens. Enter should search again, what’s written there and open the list of latest queries.

Hello @o99, please see my response bellow:

I don’t have this on my side, can you send some screenshots of what you are describing?

For the change of album/list view, it will not work with the arrows as they are meant to go back to a previous page of Studio, the change of Album/List apply in the current page. For the 2 example I don’t have a black page when I go back to the search, it’s displaying the previous search results.

We will wider the area in the next update of Studio.

We will see what we can do about it.

The value in the third column rely on the first column, we can’t store the 3rd column value since the 3rd column property will change each time you change the 1st one.

We made this choice of criteria based on the most common used criteria. We will see what we can do about it. to make more flexibility.

Do you mean “show all” from a category in the search results?

In this case I searched for Debussy, because I want to listen just these tracks of my library. “Play” and “Shuffle” buttons have now been removed. How can I play all these tracks?

I searched for Debussy. Clicking on the topmost icon in the section “Lokal” AS shows the same as when I click on “Componists”. That’s why I would leave the topmost icon.

In the window after clicking “Componists” I see this. The “play / heart / shuffle” buttons are here, but don’t work.

I went from the left column “Lokal: Artists” and chose Abdullah Ibrahim. The “play / heart / shuffle” buttons are here, but don’t work.

I would expect, that the forward / backward button in search mode, would show the last layout. Example: I search for Debussy, than I choose “Componists”. Hitting the backward button should bring back the first layout with all the categories of my search result. Shouldn’t it?

I understand, what you mean. For reasons of intuitive use of AS, I meant, that we set a value in the 3rd column. Changing the 1st column only changes the relation internaly but lets the value in the 3rd column untouched. iTunes is able to do that.

If I search for Debussy (again :sweat_smile:) and then want to see all albums, my 1st click removes the list of recent researches under the search field and I have to click a 2nd time on “Show all” albums, before AS opens this layout. More intuitive would be, that my 1st click removes the list and opens the layout, I clicked on.

I can see the button to play it on my side:

If I understand correctly you would to play or shuffle the whole selection you have but not only one album?

i could reproduce this on my side, we will fix this in the next update of Studio.

I will take a look at this as soon as I will have your database.

It should do this, again I will see if I can reproduce this with your database.

We will see if we can improve this in a future update of Studio. Have you seen in iTunes that as soon as you are not in a text field, the value is not saved anymore?

We do not store the layout you clicked on with your search, only the value of the search.

Misunderstanding: I meant on top of all AC/DC albums should the buttons “Play / Shuffle” be, so it is possible to start playback all albums, that you searched for.
Screenshot of a playlist:

Yes, I checked that, because it was already in A 3.5 a big hassle. In iTunes I can change the 1st column and the value of the 3rd column stays.

That’s a misunderstanding. I wanted to say, that I have to click 2 times on a proposal of AS for my search term, instead of only 1 time to make AS open, what I clicked on.
Can you reproduce that?