Memory leak in Origin 2.5.1 (multi-platform confirmed)

Really? What could it be then, hm?

Anyway, I’d love for @Antoine @Damien to chime in on this. If I can help debugging this issue somehow, let me know.

You are running 12.7 Monterrey, he is running 14.0 Sonoma. Maybe Apple has let the QA/QC slide a bit when it comes to supporting the Intel architecture in Sonoma. Their focus is undoubtedly on Apple Silicon support. 2.5.1 does not exhibit any memory leakage with Sonoma on my M2 Mac. Tried to reproduce the behaviour reported by the OP on my Mac this morning, (I also upsample pcm to 768 kHz) but could not.

So maybe limited to Intel Macs, after all Sonoma may well be the last version of macOS to support Intel macs (at best the next years release will probably be the last).

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Maybe… it’s a good question… However, another perspective would be to focus on the firmware of the Topping DAC…

Also, it’s worth noting that the memory consumption increases when:

  • Track is changed
  • Album is changed

You can see in a video I posted that I’m constantly changing tracks / albums to exaggerate this issue that appears on itself giving enough time.

Are you trolling me, or is this something you genuinely think of?

??? Just providing some juxtaposition to your presumption…

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

Yes I noticed this, it looks like the ram is not being flushed from the previous track when played. So each time it buffered the next track more and more ram was consumed. Hence it would be good if another Intel Mac user with 14 and 2.5.1 installed could chime in to see if they have this issue. That would lead one to conclude 14 plus 2.5.1 is an issue. Would be good if you had a .dmg of 2.4 and 2.5 to see if downgrading resolved the issue.


For your reference, 1) regarding the problem, I’m using M2 Mac
2) Dac is Audirvāna certified ( iFi XDSD Gryphon).

But problems occurring after the new AS ( 2.5.0) update, I think the Fix is coming….

Thanks your previous post did not state your system architecture. Interesting why I could not repeat the behaviour? My system sat fluctuating around 2.6 GB used irrespective of how much I jumped between tracks and albums, possibly because I used power of two upsampling? However the OP stated it also occurred with no upsampling. Albeit at a slower rate of ram consumption.

Also (only for reference) Origin 2.5.1. on Intel PC with Windows. At the start of each track memory use increases, but is also released correctly again after 10-20 seconds in the track. So under Windows on an Intel PC Audirvana has no structural memory leak. Memory claimed by Origin is also released correctly,

Strange that on a Mac under Sonoma the memory leak occurs, but not under a Mac with Monterrey. Assuming that Audirvana releases memory the same way with the same API calls on both versions of the OS, one could suspect this is a bug in Sonoma (Intel only?) releasing memory when asked for by Audirvana.

Apple has a habit lately dropping the ball or breaking things with OS-updates.

But we only can know for sure if @Antoine or @Damien can reproduce this.


Apple’s only interest is driving Intel Mac users to buy a shiny new M series Mac, or maybe I am just cynical. Cookie is solely focused on the bottom line.


Same here, since the latest 2.5.1 update on Windows 11, there’s a huge memory leak, putting the Ram to near 30 Gb out of 32 Gb available. Also, there are a lot of instabilities (crashes) on this version.

Now I am getting confused. See also my previous post in this thread.
The original post is about Origin 2.5.1. on MacOS Sonoma and it seemed until know (as far as I could see) that on Windows and other MacOS versions there was no such problem. Now you are experiencing this on Windows too?

I have no memory leak under Windows 11 with Origin 2.5.1. I am running it on an Intel NUC with 16 GB RAM for hours now. Memory stays constant at around 3GB while playing and drops to around 100-300 MB when not playing. After 3 hours there is no difference. I upsample all my tracks to DSD256 with r8Brain. I use a Topping D90 DAC directly connected to the USB port with WASAPI.

Are you synchronizing you library while playing music or do you have plugins or other settings active?

You are 90% cynical and 10% correct… I’ve been an Apple computer user from Silicon Valley since the Apple IIe… Went to the rival high-school to the high-school that Steve J. and Steve W. went to… I’m a year younger than Steve J… :wink:

It looks very strange. As if a new amount of working memory is claimed every time. That not the used part is emptied, but when the next track is started the next ‘piece is used’ until it is full.

If you set the audio buffer very small. (a few hundred MB) Is memory ‘used’ in smaller steps?

Does the problem also occur when the Topping DAC is disconnected and you play through your Mac’s own speakers?

Hopefully Damien or Antoine can reproduce this. This seems like quite a bug to me. Some optimizations have been made in 2.5. Maybe a clean install of Audirvana will help.

Or changing some settings that trigger a specific problem. Agoldnear had a problem with dropouts around adding a track to the playcue. These were resolved after disabling a plug-in.

If you select a track to ‘play next’, do you immediately see the memory filling up? Or only when selecting to play?

To add to this… The interrupt did not reappear when I added the AU plug-in again… apparently removing and re-adding the plug-in reset a buffer/register… now operating as expected.

From the Apple Developers Documentation “Memory Usage Performance Guidelines/ Finding Memory Leaks”

A typical memory leak occurs when you forget to deallocate memory for a pointer embedded in a data structure. If you allocate memory for embedded pointers in your code, make sure you release the memory for that pointer prior to deallocating the data structure itself.

Another typical memory leak example occurs when you allocate memory, assign it to a pointer, and then assign a different value to the pointer without freeing the first block of memory. In this example, overwriting the address in the pointer erases the reference to the original block of memory, making it impossible to release.
Finding Memory Leaks

Memory Usage Performance Guidelines

Same issue after about 1 hr of play
Also, memory does not release when player is unlocked

Monterey 12.7

(UPDATE) Tested again tonight… got the “Play Next” cue drop-out with the AU plug-in enabled… lowered my playback pre-load memory allocation to 4GB from 5GB and I still get the momentary drop-out but it is shortened and less disruptively prominent (than with 5G pre-load memory allocated) when adding tracks to the “Play Next” cue…

I have both Audirvana Origin & Studio on Windows 11. I use Sox as a resampler and I can confirm that the memory leak problem is generalized on these 2 versions :frowning:

My setup: VMV D1 Se2 (latest drivers) with Audirvana Kernel Streaming mode & VMV P2 for the headphones. No VST are running (setting disabled). At this state, listening to + 10-12 musics completely fills the RAM…