Missing Albums from my library

Hello @steve3d, I do understand what you are talking about and we will need to fix it in a future update of Audirvana, in the meantime you can change this by going in the album with the mixed tracks and add a 1 at the end of the album name (e.g. Complete Symphonies 1) so you can correctly identify it in your library. After doing this you can click on the album in Audirvana, open the metadata pannel and change the name of the Album as it was previously (e.g. Complete Symphonies)

Don’t know if this has been tried, i had one album that Audirvana would not add to library, I found that the attached artwork on the files was of a very large pixel size, after resizing the artwork and substituting it back into the files the album showed as normal.

Coming late to the party, I have recently started a free trial of the software and was confounded to note that certain albums in my local drive were not being recognised by Audirvana in the library. After reading some of the above posts I decided to check the metadata using Sony Media Player and noted that the issue appeared to be localised to those files which contained special characters such as “:” or"-" in the album or album artist fields. Deleting these characters enabled Audirvana to recognise the albums and consequently they are restored to the library. While “:” and “-” do not feature often in album titles or artists’ names I have to say this does appear to be a glitch with the software. Hope this post may help others who are struggling with the same issue.

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