Official 1.0 release

Dear beta testers,

Thanks a lot for all the feedbacks you’ve provided. These are really useful as inhouse testing can never find everything.

The build 1021 I’ve issued today is now at a feature and stability level to make it a 1.0 release.
I have then opened fully its access: it can be downloaded directly from

The Beta is still available and will remain available until most major reported issues are fixed.
However, for those who want to purchase it right now, I’ve enabled the purchase of a full permanent license at a Reduced Launching Price:

After this quite fast and furious period, I’m now taking 3 days off to rest a bit, before working on the remaining points next week (starting with large libs performance, last bugs, trying to find out workaround for specific ASIO driver implementations, …).
And on the future points I’ll get from your feedbacks!

Enjoy your music!



En tant qu’utilisateur de la version MAC depuis la 1.0, je suis un peu étonné que nous, supporters de longue date, ne bénéficions pas d’un tarif spécial.

Certes cette version Windows a fait l’objet d’un long travail de la part du concepteur, mais il n’en demeure pas moins que bon nombres d’évolutions et d’améliorations ont été supportées/demandées par les utilisateurs (et côté MAC les contributeurs ont été nombreux et pertinents pour obtenir de la part de Damien un logiciel correspondant à leurs attentes).
Je souhaite que les utilisateurs Windows soient nombreux à acquérir cette version (ils sont potentiellement beaucoup plus nombreux que les utilisateurs MAC et butinant sur la toile auront lu ici et là qu’un logiciel audiophile performant sous MAC était enfin arrivé sur leur plateforme chérie).

J’espère que mon MAC PRO rev1 vive longtemps …



I am using Audirvana on my Mac Mini attached to my hifi system home for few month, and as it is stated in the FAQ, it is permitted to proceed to “the installation on a second computer owned by you for your exclusive use with the express condition that this second copy is not used simultaneously with the main one”. So I was expecting to use the license on my Windows laptop when I am outside home. Unfortunately, is seems that the license for Windows is different from the one on Mac OS.

Is there no way to make a common license between Mac OS and Windows ?

Anyway, thank you for your software, it is a huge improvment on Windows over the Qobuz client, from both the sound quality and ergonomy perspective. Looking forward for the same UI on Mac OS and on the remote.


Bonjour Damien,

Audirvana est déjà mon lecteur préféré sous windows. La qualité sonore est vraiment exceptionnelle!

Est-il possible d’avoir une liste complète des fonctionnalités qui viendront s’ajouter à cette première version? Je pense notamment à la compatibilité de A+ remote avec la version windows.

Merci à vous et bonne journée

merci Damien pour ce travail…Une question: Peut-on installer la version 1.0 directement sur la beta?

Super je ne vais pas me poser de question , jamais eu un tel lecteur sur pc ! Avant d’installer la release, il faut désinstaller ou juste entrer le numéro de licence sur la version trial ?

releasing with all the bugs isn’t a good choice…

  • starts always in fullscreen mode
  • no asio support for t+a dac 8 dsd
  • phantom asio devices as kabelboxes
  • no 15 day testing if upgrading from the testversion 1019


perso je ne sais pas où est le prix spécial car pour moi c’est le meme prix sur le site pour la version Windows et Mac… Donc pour moi ce n’est pas un prix spécial lancement.

Bravo pour tout le travail effectué.
Encore quelques trucs gênants à mon point de vue. Mais bon lecteur.

Might I suggest that, for a product which will probably have some rapid changing in the first few weeks of sale, it would make sense to clearly show the release level on the download page?

Reduced Launching Price?? :laughing:

I don’t see a reduced price?

64,00 € is the normal price ? :astonished:

I have my mac version license but,
I expect a price discount for the windows version

Mac user since Audirnana 1.0, I thought we were going to have a discount as with every major release of the Mac version

Moreover if the number of Windows users becomes much higher than the number of Mac users, I am afraid for future developments of the Mac version.

(sorry for my English).


Hi Damien
Having received a corrupt database file I was told to delete said file and try re-starting application. No joy!
So I uninstalled Audirvana and installed latest build which tells me that trial ends tomorrow - it used to say 31 July. Any chance of extended my trial beyond 1 day would be gratefully appreciated.

Hi Damien
Having received a corrupt database file I was told to delete said file and try re-starting application. No joy!
So I uninstalled Audirvana and installed latest build which tells me that trial ends tomorrow - it used to say 31 July. Any chance of extended my trial beyond 1 day would be gratefully appreciated.

Sure, I have just extended your trial period of Audirvana Plus for Windows 10.

And I have now extended the trial period to July 14th for all of you, dear testers of the beta version.


Dear Damien,

Congratulaitons for the fabuous work on the Windows version and the release of version 1.0

Quick question, the reduced launching price of the Windows version is identical to the MAC full licence of the current version. Are you planning to increase the price of the Windows version in furture? If so what is your target price.

Many thanks in advance and keep up the amasing work.




Thanks, just got my license as a small development incentive. Keep up the good work (there is some to be done yet).

I was busy doing the beta testing. Did I miss the introductory pricing? Or is the Windows license going to be higher than the $74 that the website states?