Qobuz login error on Audirvana 3.5

Hi @Luc39

A word to the wise, but you may have been better off PM-ing Nikodem with your private email address. I’d edit your response as never wise to publish your address on a public forum :+1:

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Hello c0m3,
Thank you for your reply and suggestions.
I also tried copying/pasting the certificates from a Mac under Sonoma. That didn’t work either.
Installing High Sierra solves the problem: Qobuz is back without having to re-enter the user codes and password.
Best regards.

Bonjour c0m3,
Merci pour votre réponse et vos propositions.
J’ai aussi essayé en copiant/collant les certificats d’u Mac sous Sonoma. Cela n’a pas fonctionné non plus.
L’installation de High Sierra relève le problème : Qobuz est de retour sans devoir réinscrire les codes utilisateur et mot de passe.

Hallo Luc39,

I have sent you the certificate.
Best regards

Hello mus64,

some good devices (e.g. Mac mini 2009) no longer support High Sierra…
Best regards

Hello Nikodem,

Thank you very much, it’s working for me.
My old macbook pro will play music for many years i hope.

Best regards,


Congratulations! I am very happy!
There is another alternative: you can update the system with Open Core Legacy Patcher. I have just created a Mac mini 2009 Monterey. It works very well. Audirvana also runs ok in it. Prerequisite: You first make a backup of your system, preferably with ccc.
Have a nice evening

I have the same problem….

Can you send me the certificates please?

Hello Alessandro,
please contact Antoine - he has now the certificate.
Best regards,


J’utilise Audirvana Origin 3.5.50 sur Catalina 10.15.7.
Depuis Noël environ Origin n’arrive plus à se connecter à Qobuz, ou arrive à se connecter puis se déconnecte. J’arrive à me connecter directement à l’application Qobuz.

Merci de votre aide.

Bonjour @PierreS,

Pouvez-vous essayer la solution proposée dans ce fil de discussion?