Qobuz login error on Audirvana 3.5

Hi cOm3,

You’re right USERTrust RSA doesn’t exist in El Capitan. In Ventura, yes. At least we’ve nailed the cause of all this.

BTW, there’s another alleged remedy for this problem, but it didn’t work for me:

Hi Bruno61,

Are you on El Capitan as well and if so what did you do to fix it?

Are you on El Capitan : Yes
what did you do to fix it : nothing only reinstall the aps.
But now no pictures (disc cover) on qobuz - very unpleasant

Hi cOm3,

I saw your message just now, went and had a go with your script.

Bingo! A long series of lines started rolling down the terminal screen and then stopped. That was it. I wasn’t asked for the password so I thought something was amiss again. But when I looked at Audirvana I could see that in fact I was already logged in Qobuz.

You made my day! Without your help I would’ve given up. Roon was never an option for me because Roon (as far as I understand) doesn’t work as a VST host and I’m using room correction EQ which I couldn’t do without. So for me 3.5 in El Capitan + remote is a perfect solution. It ticks all the boxes.

So thank you so much for this.

Wishing you all the best!



Hi @S.Magus,

I’m glad to have been helpful. It’s a pity to have no (easy) possibility to update these certificates since Apple computers are generally good hardware to last (having second life in playing music for instance).


Hi @c0m3,

Thank you for your finding on this, I will talk about Qobuz on this subject and follow up on this ASAP.

What about windows user(s) ?
I’m on windows 11 and I’ve got the same Qobuz connection problem since yesterday !

Bonjour @Antoine.
Merci pour vos démarches et votre proposition d’analyse des certificats. J’ai essayé d’installer les Certificats depuis mon Mac mini 2023 en suivant les instructions de c0m3. Néanmoins, cela ne fonctionne pas. La capture d’écran du terminal est en pièces jointes.
Capture d’écran 2023-11-13 à 19.05.23

Audirvana 3.5.50 est installé sur un Mac mini fin 2014, avec El Capitan, sans aucune mise à jour depuis, dans le but de garder une machine stable et sans interférences. J’ai réinstallé Audirvana, sans résultats différents.
J’attends ainsi d’autres démarches pour qu’Audirvana fonctionne à nouveau avec Qobuz.
Merci et avec mes salutations les meilleures,

You are posting on a Legacy/MacOs topic. You should start a fresh topic on your windows issue. Hopefully get some proper feedback.


Sorry, didn’t notice, thanks

Que se passe-t-il?

Ce soir, je débranche mon Mcbook/El Capitan pour le remplacer par un plus récent acheté aujourd’hui même…

J’ouvre Qobuz sur l’ancien a tout hasard avant de désinstaller Audirvāna…
Qobuz se connecte sans souci… automatiquement… et ça fonctionne… alors que je n’ai rien touché au niveau informatique…

Bon… j’ai plusieurs systèmes… je vais pouvoir écouter Qobuz sur un système de plus… positivons…

Thanks to the help of c0m3:
I have exported the USERTrust RSA (System Roots) certificate missing in El Capitain from the MBP with Monterey to a stick and imported it to Macmini with El Capitan in the keychain management. It is under System/Certificates. Then switch on Trust the new certificate. Then close the keychain, close the Audirvana app and open it again. Event. Enter Qobuz login data again.
It works.
Thank you!

1 Like

Thanks so much !!
It works like a charm :dizzy:
my old a** macbook is back in business !!

Thank you for your message. I am very pleased to have helped you. :grinning:

Hello @mus64 ,

Do not copy/past the script from my post in a terminal window : it won’t work. You have to create a file and past the script in it. I can send you the file I used (named trustroot) if you need it.
If you aren’t confortable with command line, you could also try the solution from @Nikodem : he did it through the application and should be easier to reproduce.


Hi @Nikodem ,

Nice solution and easier than mine if you only need to get Qobuz working.

Best regards,

Bonjour, je suis content de voir que certains d’entre vous trouvent des solutions à ce pb. Je ne suis pas aussi doué que vous, surement trop vieux. Je n’ai pas accès à un mac plus récent, et changer mon vieux mbpro de 2009 n’est pas possible pour le moment. Est ce qu’il est possible d’obtenir le fichier qui va bien avec le mode d’emploi pour l’installer ? Merci d’avance pour votre aide.

Hello c0m3,
that was your idea, I just implemented it. :+1:
Unfortunately, iTunes no longer works on this computer… I wonder if this has something to do with the certificates? Do you perhaps have a tip for this?
Have a nice evening

Hello Luc39,
my instructions : I exported the USERTrust RSA (System Roots) certificate missing in El Capitain from the MBP with Monterey to a stick and imported it into Macmini with El Capitan in the keychain management. It is located under System/Certificates. Then switch on and trust the new certificate. Then close the keychain, close the Audirvana app and open it again. Event. Enter the Qobuz credentials again.
It works.
I could send you the USERTrust RSA (System Roots) certificate via PM.
Have a nice evening

Hi Nikodem,

That would be fine if you send me this file. Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards