Release 1028 - Synching issue

I have noticed that synching is considerably slower on this release than on earlier ones. My library of about 6000 track would previously synch in about 5 minutes. It now takes a great deal longer and the process seems to ‘stick’ after a few minutes. I’m going to try removing and re-adding the library but I wonder if anyone else has noticed a problem?

J’ai le même problème. J’ai essayé d’ajouter et de supprimer le répertoire. J’ai aussi effacé le fichier d’indexation sans résultat.

I now conclude that it’s worse than slow - it won’t complete synching at all! Progress indicator ‘sticks’ at about 60%. I seem to be able to play normally and it might be a display issue but this needs to be looked at! The Audirvana task is not showing any actual I/O while sync is in progress. I don’t have any new music in the library so I can’t tell if new music is found.

Further edit - I uninstalled Audirvana and manually removed the remaining folders to ensure the database was removed. I then re-installed and input my library details. I watched the SQLite D/B increase in size as synch progressed. The increase in D/B size stopped when the progress indicator was at about 60%. I believe the synch is actually complete but the indicator is in error.

Is there only one other user who sees this??

When you say complete, have you checked the number of albums is correct ?

Well deduced, Damien!

No the album list is not complete. Audirvana shows 206 Albums. There are actually 366!. The missing albums seem to be alphabetically random. I am checking details and will post more as I investigate.

I have used a SQLite browser to examine the D/B and the missing albums are genuinely missing. There are no entries in the D/B for them - neither album nor artist nor track.

For info, the music is located on a share on a Windows Server 2012 accessed through a mapped network drive and a CHKDSK on the server shows no problems with the storage device.

The following pictures show MP3TAG info for the album ‘Small Change’ by Tom Waits which is missing in Audirvana. As you can see, there is nothing unusual, I think, about the Tags.

Do you have in one of the subfolders of the folders you’ve added for sync, a .iso file that is not SACD ISO?
I’m investigating this where a not SACD ISO .iso file could cause the sync process to crash/stop.

Thank you.

There are no .iso files of any kind in the library folder. I have, as a precaution, removed all files which are not music files or cover art. There now remain .flac, .mp3, .dsf, .wma, .jpg, .tif and .png only.

Synchronisation is again stuck at about 60%.

Further info which might, hopefully, be helpful.

First sync attempt with clean database results in 60% completion and a D/B size of 340MB.
Next sync results in 60% completion and a D/B size of 493MB with no additional music found.
Next sync results in 60% completion and a D/B size of 647MB with no additional music found.

Further attempts to sync again reach 60% but there is NO further increase in D/B size and no additional music is found.

Could you find at which file it stops?
The import is done by folder alphabetical order.
Then I’ll be interested in a copy of your database file. I send you the instructions by PM.


Hello, I downloaded the trial version of Audirvan. I specified the folder on the network resource for synchronization. Synchronization does not work at all. What could be the problem? :frowning:

I believe you need to map a network drive to your music and then sync the mapped drive.

I have sent you the D/B and the result is interesting. The music is loaded in alpha order of folder name but it stops in the middle of ‘M’ and then picks up earlier folders which were missed.

I have also carried out an experiment of copying the entire music library to a local disk on the Audirvana workstation. This synchronises perfectly. Neither my RAID utility nor CHKDSK can find any issue with the server folder.

I believe you need to map a network drive to your music and then sync the mapped drive.

OK, since the network drive sync also does not start
From the explorer on the network drive, all files are viewed

You might want to try copying your music (or some of it) to a local resource. If that syncs OK then you might be suffering from the same issue as I am.

Yes, since the local disk synchronization works well, but I have too large a music library to transfer it to local disks

Yes - that is my problem too. I can copy the library to a local disk but I can’t keep it there as the disk is almost full. What kind of hardware are you using to store your library? I am using a RAID 5 array on a Dell Perc controller under windows 2012 Server. I ask in case we might have similar hardware which might narrow down the problem.

I am using a RAID5 on samba share on ubuntu linux.

Thanks for those investigations.
I’ll try to reproduce this with a similar SMB setup on Monday, and then fix this.

Same problem here: Syncing stops after 69 Albums of 5300 for no reason with build 1028…
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 64 bit, WD NAS etc. etc.