Revisiting SysOptimizer

I recently downloaded a trial for Audirvana to test against Roon.
While tinkering in Audio settings, I noticed, SysOptimizer: Disabled
That made me curious enough to Google and I find forum threads with Witch doctors performing some sort of voodoo with Terminal commands and copying and pasting files.
And frustrated customers not understanding any of it.

When I installed Audirvana, I never got this magical window people keep screen grabbing of the SysOptimizer setup. With absolutely now way of knowing how they got there.

There appears to be no rhyme or reason to why some are affected and others are not.
Can anyone provide any simple to follow instructions or an answer as to why this occurs. Anything that can help me move forward so I can hear this improved audio everyone is touting?

What happen if you turn it on and put it at extreme settings, then play a song?

The bug that affected SysOp was fixed few days ago. If you are using 1.3, you won’t meet this issue.

Thank you for the response. I have tried all the Voodoo. And uninstalled Audirvana and reinstalled. I am running v1.3. Nothing. Audio settings still reporting SysOptimizer: Disabled. And during either install I was never given any option to optimize anything.

I am running the latest version of MacOS v11.4.

What are “Extreme Settings”? I have never seen anything like this.

I didn’t know there was v1.4. I remained on v1.3.
I waited three weeks for the bug to be fixed, and the problem was resolved for me.

Have you enabled SysOp in the settings of AS?

Go to preferences and click the gear wheel there…

Can’t find anything anywhere to “Enable SysOp”

Big Sur 11.4 :grinning:

I can see it exactly where you are pointing. But I have a settings wheel there that does nothing. I have been clicking on it for hours with 0 of anything happening.

Settings wheel is there. Nothing clickable.

maybe not working when UPNP ?

You can try deleting your preferences of Audirvana and try again…
or maybe just copy your prefs in another place on your mac,
drag them out of the folder with option key press to make a copy of it
then delete your prefs, if not working just put back your copy where it was…

Close Audirvana.

Apple hide the Home Folder in User Library at some time depending on OS System…
When you have clicked your Home Folder, and cannot see the Library Folder in there,
just do a ‘‘cmd J’’ to show the folder settings preferences and see at the bottom…
click Show Library Folder and then you’ll have access to the rest forever.

Go to User… Home Folder… Library… Preferences…
trash com.audirvana.Audirvana-Studio.plist

Restart Mac. Restart Audirvana and play a song and see, should ask to install SysOpt…

I sincerely appreciate the assistance.

The file, com.audirvana.Audirvana-Studio.plist, is not in the directory you specified. Nor does it appear anywhere on my system.

did you put the Audirvana Application in your Applications folder on your Mac?
when you open a software, you automatically have a preferences file for it… any soft…

Are you with Audirvana Studio or still with an older version like 3.5.46 ?

Yes. v1.3 went into my Applications folder. The latest version.
Audirvana installed and first run, all I got was the initial splash screen detailing all the new features.
Nothing resembling any preferences. Nothing.

Tried USB and UPNP. Nothing.

so you play music already in 1.3 version?
you must have preferences file…
you went to see in your HOME folder library… not the main library folder…

Terms like HOME folder and Library folder are not terms I am familiar with. I am coming from a lifetime on PC and Windows. The path I followed to find the preferences file were.

Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences.

Nothing resembling what you siad I should be finding.