Scrambled sound and no stereo mode over HDMI

No I have no files like that, Dolby digital And DTS

I just looked, I have a massive 5 album collection of DSD one of which is test setup material. Not on my important list, one of my automobiles has a cassette deck though.

I’d probably need some fancy pants cables to run that stuff :rofl:

You might be on to something here, I believe that hdmi control is for passing control functions such as power on , volume stuff? Or is that CEC like I push one button on Apple TV remote and it turns on Samsung Display and Sonos sound bar ? Heck it just works I appreciate that these days, I’ve wrestled with the pig enough

The HDCP over HDMI seems to be the issue:

Linked white-paper .pdf:
High-bandwith Content Protection System
Mapping HDCP to HDMI

“My bad is OP original poster? That’s different than OPP for sure…”

I’m not good at these sorts of acronyms… I never use them… they are too personalized/colloquial/esoteric and open the door to misconstrued meaning, as you can see in my interpretation… But now I know…:wink:

Universal compatibility analog communication network interface

We would be quite disappointed if you didn’t use your words, Let your freak flag fly :+1:t2:

Poor sbmn will wake up in the morning and go WTH is wrong with these guys!

UCACNI… :sunglasses:

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The original CANs! :sunglasses:

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Glen you do know your audio history, the pair in the image are in the Smithsonian, Thomas Edison used these in the patent application for the first noise CANceling units. Once your done communicating you cover both ears and talk to yourself. :nerd_face:

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Wait… Nobody told me I needed an accessory to talk to myself! :crazy_face:

A long time left since I opened this thread regarding my multi cannel problem with HDMI connection. As I wrote Audirvana should switch to stereo mode over HDMI if there only stereo input. With optical connection I don’t have this problem. For me it is an issue in Audirvana. Any chance to get an update?

By the way I bought the perpetual license of Audirvana. I will never buy a subscription for software I’m privately using.
If Damien would want an update fee for future updates that wouldn’t be the problem.

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