SysOptimizer having issues in macOS 13

I cannot resolve SysOptimizer Error (OSStatus error 22). So, please help me.
I tried things below, as mentioned in some previous thread,

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.audirvana.SysOptimizerTool.plist
sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.audirvana.SysOptimizerTool
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.audirvana.SysOptimizerTool.plist

Go to the Main Library Folder… PrivilegedHelperTools folder…
Trash All the files in that folder from Audirvana (that folder install SysOptimizer)
Go to the Main Library Folder… LaunchDaemons Folder…
Trash All the files in that folder from Audirvana (SystemOptimizer and prefs files)

Clean uninstall & reinstall Audirvana with ‘BuhoCleaner’
Restart Mac including First Aid in Disk Utility (no problem)

When Spotlight and Time Machine are enabled, this error does not happen.
I want keep those things disabled when I listening though.

Audirvana Studio 2.2.2 (20202)
macOS Version 13.1 (Build 22C65) with 32GB physical RAM


Everything was working till today. Nothing has changed in terms of connections and hardware.

I am getting multiple error messages including sysOptimizer error message.

Someone PLEASE help.

I am getting a System Optimizer Error when I start up my Audirivana 3.51

Yes, this happens to me from time to time, with the Studio version as well.
Did not find any other solution than rebooting the MAC.

At first, it didn’t work after all that plus the reboot. But today after another reboot, it seems to work. No error message. However it took a full 2 minutes for the program to open after I clicked on it.
I mostly use Roon now to play my HD files. With a monthly subscription I can download any song that I can find in their database, or in Tidal which also needs a subscription. But with Roon I can play the music on my computer, my iPhone, iPad, my stereo and my streamer. Nice interface and it will recommend music based on my listening.



I solved this problem by using “Audirvana studio 2.2.2 on M1 mac Ventura” and changing the “Optimize System for Audio Playback” to off in the settings as shown in the image below.

Yes, that’s an idea: if you disable a buggy feature, the bug normally won’t show up again (With SW “a la MS” though you never know…).
But in that case, the AS sound may be not as good as it should be, due to parralel activities in the background.
It would be interesting to know from the development team the possible root cause of the problem.

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Ok, just to let you know, I moved to the latest MacOS (Ventura), and the problem with SysOptimizer (Popup when you try to play something, which by the way is not seen from Remote) is still there.
Only option: reboot the Mac.

Hi guys, If you have not already, I added the link to a test version that fix this issue. For those having the issue, please try the version and feel free to comment on this thread whether it worked or not :wink:

Thanks, but where is the link?

In the solution of this thread here:

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Should both files be installed?

Hi Antoine,

Works fine for me no more error message !

Thank you :wink:

One is for Audirvāna Studio, the other is for Audirvāna Origin.

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Parfait comme d’habitude merci

It also worked perfectly here.

Mine was OK, but downloaded just to see if some changes… yes :slight_smile:

Yes, we added something interesting here :wink:

Nice indeed :slight_smile: