The radio stops

Hi, I have the same problem as Lucas a few months ago. The radio stream stops after approximately 7.8 minutes regardless of the radio station.
I am a Win 10 user, Audirvana 2.20 version.
Do you have any idea about this problem?

Hi @Franzek,

Can you send us a copy of the “Debug Info” when you have this issue? You can get it in Audirvana Settings>My account

Note: By clicking on the Debug Info button, Audirvana automatically copies all its content, all you have to do is paste it in response to this message

Radio problem is still there. Win 11, Audirvana ver 2.3.00. Radio works sometimes minutes, sometime 30min or so. But it stops radio every time. Mostly listening Finish radio “RADIO SUOMI, Turku”.

I have tried that test version, somewhat better but stop times are maybe little longer, I quess.

Thank You! Now after 2.5.0 and so on. Radio works beautifully. No stops so far.
Don’t know why, but all the same it works without stops.