Tidal tracks conversion

Hello @support,
Why Studio converts Tidal 16/44 tracks to 16/88 when my Upsampling is set to Deactivated?
It does not matter that it is MQA - it is MQA 16/44

Confirmation that file is 16/44

Deleted… you already noticed the MQA

I would think this is MQA CD. 16 / 44.1. compatible with cd players. And with an MQA license 88.2

That’s weird, it shouldn’t do that. At least not based on how I understand MQA should work. It only happens when you have non-MQA DAC plugged in.

With the MQA decoder it works correctly.

Funny enough, this album shows MQA Studio 24/96 on my system.


Searching for this album on my system i get 3 versions. One is the MQA Studio version at 24/96. Two are MQA (standard) at 16/44 in which one is a deluxe version with more tracks.

But this one is a good example. This should not happen, MQA claims that they never artificially increase sampling frequency. @Antoine could you please check what is going on here?

But I do not ask about 24/96 version of this album I asked about 16/44 version.

In my country, I only have two version of this album. One is MQA Studio and there is also the Deluxe version which is MQA 16/44.1 (but shows unfolded as 24/88.2).

Same issue for the Deluxe version of the album as you reported:

On my system it gets even more funny.
The 24/96 is playing on my system as 24/48

Both 16/44 play on my system as 16/44
Deluxe 16/44:

Standard 16/44:

My DAC is the new iFi ZEN DAC V2 which is a full MQA decoder, not just renderer… AS is however not automatically detecting my DAC as a MQA Decoder so i am “forcing” this… doesn’t seem to be working correctly…

OK, but original file is 16/44 and I think that output file after MQA decoding also should be the same, without upsampling

For an MQA decoder it’s normal. Do you get the MQA light confirmation? If not try to toggle the integer mode on or off.

That’s also my understanding, so either what it says on the left or the right side is wrong.

But Why do you think that it is funny - there are simply 3 version of this tune on Tidal and each one is separate.

What does the analysis look like. When does it become an 88.1?

Tt looks like this - input is 44 and curve is also 44 but output is 88

So there is no upsampling by AS. MQA’s Core decoder has an 88.2 output.

Is my interpretation without knowing what the friends of MQA are up to.

The MQA decoder should still show 44.1. Maybe it’s just a presentation error, but it’s an error nevertheless.

I’ve also tried with the local MQA file, it behaves the same.

What does Roon do with these files? Or the Tidal player?

If the MQA device is set in AS as a decoder or renderer. Do you get the same results from the core decoder?

I tested with MQA decoder, that works ok. The display of the device shows the correct resolution, 44.1 in this case, and is recognised as MQA.

Hi bitracer!

When playing the 24/96 version, the led on the DAC (knob goes dark-blue) has the correct color for MQA Studio, as indicated by the manual (see print below)


Where do i change this integer value?