"Too many installations" error

Same problem for me, please remove my computers in your database.

Hello @fumi, it’s done for your too

Please also remove my computers from your database as well. Thank you.

Hello @rondyng, it’s done for your too.

One year ago I have bought Audirvana and I have installed on 2 Mac’s. One of them has serial number C07JNA0YDWYL and the other one I have sold without revoking from Audirvana. Then I have bought a new MacBook and now I can’t play Audirvana on it. Please delete the computer different from the one I have written above, so I can activate license on the second MacBook. My license key is *********. Thank you!

Hello @Mihaela_Patrascoiu, I removed your old computer in our database. You can now activate Audirvana on your second MacBook.

Thank you very much. It is working.

Maybe I wasn’t completely explicit that’s why I must say shortly that a computer with a serial number different from numbers C07JNA0YDWYL and C02Z38X7L411 is no longer mine, so please delete it . My license key is ******************* . Thank you!

This should be good now.

Yes! Now Audirvana works on both computers. Thank you very much for your help!

Dear Audirvana Team,

I have bought a new Macbook Pro, so please also remove my two licenses in your database that I can re-install Audirvana also on my new device. Thanks in advance!

Hello @Phonetique, It’s done for you. You can now activate Audirvana up on two MacOS computer.

@Antoine please remove all my computers from the license database.

Hello @mogomat, it’s done for you too.

@Antoine…Same for me. All of my old computer with the licenses are defunct. Could you please clean out my queue as well?

Hello @rad22, I have removed all your computers from the license database.

@Antoine I just bought a new Macbook. Please remove my old computers from the license database.

Hello Damien, can you remove my license from all my mac please?

Hello @youngwhunkim, I removed an old installation from our database.

Hello @skeb,

I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two Mac computers you want with your license key.

To install Audirvana on your second Mac, you can proceed as for the first one:

  1. install trial version
  2. unlock it by loading your same license key