"Too many installations" error

Hi, I formatted my hard drive and sold one of my Macs, forgetting that I should have released a license first.

Now I am one license short.

Can you help?

Hello @JasonK, I have removed all your computers from the license database.

Thanks so much for the quick help!

Same problem for me, please remove my computers in your database.

Hello @mansu,

Thank you for your interest in Audirvana

I have removed all your computers from the license database.
You can now activate up to two Mac computers you want with your license key.

To install Audirvana on your second Mac, you can proceed as for the first one:

  1. install trial version
  2. unlock it by loading your same license key

I have just converted my license to Cross Platform. I received an email with the download link and key. However, it said I have already registered. I could not download the software. Also, please remove my computers from the license database, so I can activate the software again to my windows and mac computers as soon as possible. Thanks

It was finally able to install the windows versions. How do I download and keep a copy off line like in MacOS so I don’t have to download it again?

Hi Damien,

I am having the same issue. I just upgraded my license to cross-platform, but I cannot install it on Windows. I believe I neglected to properly deactivate and uninstall Audirvana from an old MacBook I no longer have. Would it be possible to reset the the devices associated with my license?

Thank you very much

Hello @adamcrabb, i removed an older activation from our database, you can now install Audirvana for Windows 10.

Thank you very much for the quick response, Damien! I love your product. Best of luck during these difficult times.

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Hi, I am trying to instal on my mac air having removed from my macbook but get the ‘too many installations’ error. could you please reset?


Hello @Nicco, i removed your computer in our database :slight_smile:

thank you! Love Audirvana, the support and the regular upgrades. It’s great value for money.


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I have just converted my license to Cross Platform. But it was said that I have already installed and couldn’t activate the software. Could you remove all the installations of mine so that I can use new version. Thank you.

Hello @vorticista, it’s done for you too :slight_smile:

Thank you so much! Damien.

Hi. Same problem here. How can I send you my license to remove old installations?

hi @Antoine I just erase my previous Mac and forgot to remove audirvana, can you help me please cause I can’t activate it in my new Mac

best regards

For Damien3: I’ve done it too! I wiped the hard drive on my previous iMac last week before giving it to my son, and I guess the credentials didn’t copy over to my new iMac properly. (Or maybe that’s not even possible.) Anyway, could you remove the old entries in your database and I’ll re-input the code again? Thanks in advance!

hello @Frakark, @juanmcueva89 and @ash,

I removed your computers in our database. You can now use your license in your computer.