Setting up a new computer (new MacPro 28 core) for audirvana. Previously able to use with no problems, (content from iTunes, high Res sites etc and streaming from TIDAL). Current problem is I can see TIDAL on the STREAMING list in preferences and when I click connect it brings me to a webpage, I fill in everything and it says…continue but when I go back to AUDIRVANA, TIDAL is “not connected” and in the debug INFO, the only streaming service is HIGH RES AUDIO and TIDAL is not connected. ( I have an active HIFI/Master TIDAL account) and I can play TIDAL from TIDAL, just not through AUDIRVANA> Any advice will be helpful. thanks. ST

Which version of Audirvana are you running currently?

You realize that MacPro is an overkill for playing music? I hope you use it for other things.

Hello @Docbass, which web browser are you using on your MacPro? Safari?

I have a similar issue on Windows. Seems like it starts to happen with the latest Audirvana update.
When I click on connect to tidal in prefs, it opens a pop up window but it`s empty.

Hello @Oleg_Shcherbinin,

Can you check the point you can find below?

Do you still have Microsoft Edge in your computer?
Do your User Control Access is enabled?
Are you using a software that could change your admin settings and make all of your app launch in Administrator mode?

It magically fixed itself in an hour - seems like there were issues with authentification portal at tidal.
All good now!

I Still have the same problem.
The window pop up but I cant switch account to login on tidal.
Looks like the window crash every single time.
Need your support Audirvana.

Hello @Nuno_Vasco_Costa,

Can you try again to log to Tidal in Audirvana?

i am having this issue on a MacBook Pro, latest update and after a succesful login the music stops at the end of third song. i cannot succesfully log back in or play anything except my own library so I go to Tidal app

im having tidal connection problems too. qobuz has no issue and i can also play tidal without going through audirvana. please help

I have similar issue, I´ve installed Audirvana 3.5.51 on Windows 11.
When I try to log in Tidal an error window appears:

and when iI close it an error message appears:

Is there a solution for this?

this is exactly the problem i have too.

trying the same process for qobuz results good and playing directly with tidal without audirvana also results well.

After creating a New DB to rid myself of the duplicates as per your instructions. I cannot reconnect to TIDAL. Period. Login | TIDAL <–that link is what is given when I hit “CONNECT” and it is giving me an error on the Tidal page that says “ERROR Something went wrong.” I CANNOT login. I am [trying] to use 3.5.50. Very frustrating.

Antoine, I have uninstalled and re installed 3.5.50. No TIDAL. It will not connect.

i have almost the same issue. has this been resolved already?

So do i, i use the 3.5.50 one
and when i entered my Tidal’s info the Audirvana shown this

State mismatch, expecting 9cg3wsKUDDxIzFfQgrCKOGNgcjkpy3SKGKq_XKypS0k but got na in authorization response <OIDAuthorizationResponse: 0x60000223d3b0, authorizationCode: eyJraWQiOiJ2OU1GbFhqWSIsImFsZyI6IkVTMjU2In0.eyJ0eXBlIjoibzJfY29kZSIsInVpZCI6MTI1NTMzNjkzLCJzY29wZSI6Indfc3ViIHJfdXNyIHdfdXNyIiwiZXhwIjoxNjUwNzkwOTM0LCJjYWxsYmFja1VyaUlkIjoiMjMxIiwiY2lkIjoyNDI4LCJjaGFsbGVuZ2VJZCI6IjQ0MTUzNWJmLWU5MWUtNDU2NS05OTA1LTg5OTEwMWY2YjBjZSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXV0aC50aWRhbC5jb20vdjEifQ.7wrdoanHXneLxeI56XBR4iaZMnLtqy3fRHQgdy-8aVy5YifbmM689AQF4qGOE9alB72OcebCu3VQXtocrJ8gVQ, state: “na”, accessToken: “(null)”, accessTokenExpirationDate: (null), tokenType: (null), idToken: “(null)”, scope: “(null)”, additionalParameters: {
lang = en;
}, request: <OIDAuthorizationRequest: 0x600002930070, request: Login | TIDAL>>

i have no idea why it happened

I have the same problem

I have the same problem too.

You know you are replying to a post from 2019?
Yes in 2019 it was resolved :wink:

These kinds of things happen with Tidal and Qobuz. But 99% of the time it is has to do with issues/changes on Tidal’s or Qobuz side (for instance changes in their API’s or issues with their servers/sites) and not with Audirvana. If it does not resolve itself automatically @Antoine will probably sort it out tomorrow.

Welcome to streaming on the world wide web!