Various issues with the NAS version on the Syno

Dear all,
Just a summary of some issues I found on this Beta:

1- Synchronization process seems to hang: no progress, nothing reported in the log. AS only report about UpNP device not responding but nothing about Sync process.
==> Try to stop/restart AS.
2- Trying to stop and restart the AS packet on the Syno: restart seems to work but impossible to pair the remote (Error message: error initiate pairing).
==> Restart the remote.
3- Crash (SIGSEGV) as reported in the log:
**2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: ============= Previous crash log ============= **
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: Audirvana Studio crash log
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: Date: 2024-5-18 13:8:49
**2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: **
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: Signal: SIGSEGV
**2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: **
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: /var/packages/audirvana-studio/target/audirvanaStudio(+0xeece18)[0x558c561e18]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]:[0x7f9dce04d0]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: /var/packages/audirvana-studio/target/audirvanaStudio(+0xeed580)[0x558c562580]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]:[0x7f9dce04d0]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: /lib64/[0x7f9b0219c0]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: /lib64/[0x7f9afddbbc]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: /lib64/[0x7f9afcb1a8]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: /lib64/[0x7f9b0160f8]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: /lib64/[0x7f9b02b75c]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: /lib64/[0x7f9b02fae0]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: /lib64/[0x7f9b01fdac]
2024-05-18 15:09:16.065 [critical]: /lib64/[0x7f9b08539c]
**2024-05-18 15:09:16.081 [critical]: ============= Linux system info ============= **
2024-05-18 15:09:16.081 [critical]: Linux version 4.4.302+ (root@build8) (gcc version 12.2.0 (GCC) ) #69057 SMP Fri Jan 12 17:01:55 CST 2024
**2024-05-18 15:09:16.081 [critical]: ============= End of previous crash log ============= **
**2024-05-18 15:09:16.081 [info]: ============= Started Logging, Audirvana Studio linux ============= **
**2024-05-18 15:09:37.181 [info]: ============= Started Logging, Audirvana Studio linux ============= **
2024-05-18 15:09:37.181 [info]: No language set in settings, using system language: en_US.UTF-8
2024-05-18 15:09:37.222 [debug]: Switch to start phase: notLoggedIn
2024-05-18 15:09:37.223 [error]: Not logged to Audirvana account: need to sign in
2024-05-18 15:09:37.230 [info]: RemoteServer: Server started and advertised on port 46107
2024-05-18 15:09:38.136 [debug]: Avahi Service established.
2024-05-18 15:09:49.258 [error]: oAuth2 error: 16
2024-05-18 15:10:13.240 [debug]: Switch to start phase: starting
2024-05-18 15:10:13.506 [debug]: PlaybackController: setActivePlayQueuelocal
2024-05-18 15:10:14.043 [info]: Audio device settings: retrieved 1 updated settings from user account
2024-05-18 15:10:14.098 [info]: UPnP stack initialized using specified interface: eth1
2024-05-18 15:10:14.105 [debug]: UPnP Device added UID: uuid:9ab0c000-f668-11de-9976-acb6876368c9 location: manufacturer: Yamaha Corporation friendly name: R-N2000A 6368C9
2024-05-18 15:10:14.299 [info]: UPnP web server started on
2024-05-18 15:10:14.304 [warning]: ALSA output: No /dev/snd (kernel module snd not loaded) => disabling local audio devices playback

Probably now I need to stop/restart the package…

[Edit], Surprisingly, it’s still working (can play audio tracks), and it has restarted the Sync process on a folder that it was “scanning” a few minutes ago.
Not sure to understand the difference between scanning and Syncing… Maybe Scanning is about the “audio fingerprinting” stuff? I don’t need that, I would prefer to have everything synced before this…

OK, finally, after that sequence of events, AS on Syno seems to work.

==> Syncing of my two folders (mounted via SMB) finally ended up successfully,
==> Playing back of audio tracks is working, although a bit slow sometimes (several seconds between track selection and beginning of playing).
==> Display of album covers is also rather slow, compared to the Mac Mini version.
==> Surprisingly (But it could be me…) it seems to sound different. If that were true, I would have difficulties to explain it as the rendering chain on the other side of the network link (Streamer+Dac) is totally identical.

BUT, I will try to challenge it to see how robust it is!! :wink:

Oh heck, I think I hear differences among different Linux distros, so I don’t even have differences in Audirvana apps to explain it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

??? Why SMB. Isn’t your music already on the NAS? Just curious.

Actually, my Music is on another Syno (I have four Syno at home!) mounted on the Syno that hosts AS via SMB. It’s a complicated setup I know, …

Cool. As I said just curious and thought maybe I missed something with my setup.

Thanks Jud for this. I saw that in your posts.
Not an expert in the field, but sounds weird. Maybe those various distros generate different system activity profiles with various profiles of CPU load and other HW activities. At the end, the sum of those activities produce different patterns and EMI levels that impact the way music is reproduced (Maybe this is stupid from a pure technical point of view).
Some may say that we cannot judge the quality as it is highly subjective, but we can agree on the fact that what we get from the loudspeakers is different from one setup to another.
That reminded me a day where I had a chat with a designer of audio devices, and he explained me the influence of temperature and vibrations on crystal oscillator. Now I better understand why some manufacturer use OCXO in their devices.

1 Like

Continuing my list of strange behaviour of the Syno version.

1- Sometimes the remote/app seems to be lagging a lot. It requires several seconds before playing back starts at the point that you think you have not correctly selected the track.

2- After a night during which I let a full Sync of one folder being run, I opened up the remote early morning and noticed that the Sync process was just at the beginning. Strange! Restart the remote to be sure, and the folder appeared to be fully synchronised. It seems that the remote is not always updated with the latest app status (Need of a refresh button?)

3- I updated one the audio folders by adding new files but despite those folders being watched by the app, the library was not updated and the folder sync did not start, as it is always the case with the AS on the Mac Mini.

4- I started in parralel the version on Mac: it warns me about the other app being disconnected (OK, that was expected). I performed an update of the audio folders and closed AS on Mac Mini.

5- I went back on AS on Syno: it did not say anything and proceed as usual. I was able to play a few tracks before it displays a popup with the information that I was about to be disconnected (But AS on Mac Mini was not running any more).
I clicked on OK and nothing worked as expected but the AS app was still running on the Syno.
Anyway, i was still able to go to My Account and saw that I still was connected apparently as the “disconnect” button was still there.

6- I tried to reconnect, restarted the remote several times and got several “request errors”. I finally got the login window but I needed to restart the remote several times, and got “Pairing initial failed” before everything went in order.

It is my understanding that the remote is not fully and always aware of the real situation of the app, and this creates some confusion at user level to say the least.

Hi @patifr,

Do you still have the behavior you shared with the latest Linux version?

Hi Antoine,
I did not have the opportunity to check the latest version. I’ll tell you.

Hi @Antoine,

I just started to test the new version. As instructed before by Damien, I did not uninstall the old version to keep the DB intact.
I have to say that with this version, it seems to be worse than with the previous one:
1- Initially, things seem to go in the right direction: I disconnect the remote from the AS version on the MAC, and select the Syno instead.
2- After a couple of minutes, it started to recognise the Syno but if I select it, I got multiple errors “Pairing initiate failed”.
3- I restart the remote and finally I got a login window where I entered my credentials. Then I select the Syno and still those “Pairing initiate failed”.
4- I restart the app and the remote and tried again to connect. After a few “Pairing Initiate Failed”, I managed to connect.
5- I went on “Local” to see the library status: I have to wait before something appears, and I saw “Loading” during that time, before I got several “request error”.
6- I tried to put the log on, but when I select the other menus behind the configuration button, nothing happened.
7- I finally managed to display the content of the local lib and I noticed I’ve lost almost 90% of what I had before…
8- And, on top of that, whereas playing back seems to work at least for a small set of audio files, it suddenly stopped before the end of the track… and… restarted automatically a few minutes later…

I think I will uninstall the whole thing, install the new version, and try to restart the Sync of my three audio folders.

But in the meantime, I would like to enjoy some music, so I will use my good old Mac version.

Hi @patifr,

All of those connection issues led me to think about how your local network is working. Do you have a physical firewall on your network or do you have rules on your router that might affect the usage of Audirvāna?

Hi @Antoine,

No, I don’t have those things such as a firewall or rules on a router.
I do not have those issues with AS on the Mac mini which is connected in the very same way to my network (Same switch).
Anyway, those potential network issues could not explain why I lost 90% of my DB.
Not to mention the fact that AS on the Syno is very very slow when compared to the Mac Mini.

OK, I made a new test after having performed the following actions:

  • Restarted the Syno: as a consequence, the update of the Max_User_watch has been lost (I was expecting the new AS version to handle this properly).
  • Restarted the Ipad

As a result:

  • I’m not able to restart the synchro of an audio folder,
  • In the log, I saw this good old error about lack of space on my disk
  • Although it seems that there are some albums in the DB (Fingerprinting activity seems to be active), I’m not able to display anything when clicking on “local”: all tentatives ended up with a “request error”, after several seconds of “Loading” message.

Don’t know what to do now…

So, in conclusion, the Syno version does not work as expected. I will go back to the Mac version.

New test this morning.

  • I uninstalled and reinstalled the AS version.
  • Unable to start the app: it stopped immediately
  • Redownload the package
  • Full reinstallation
  • Patch the Syno with the increas of the Max_user_watch

After installation, the app was up and running.
I successfully started the Sync process on one audio folder
I was able in parralel to play some tracks

Seems to work and is reactive. Will see if that continues.
No explanation! Unless the uninstall process was not correct in the first place, or a new version has been made available without an update of version number.

Yet another strange thing, discovered this morning.

I opened the remote on my iPad, discovering that it was still reporting a syncing of one audio folder. Surprised by this (The sync started more than 12 hours ago), I closed and reopened the remote.
And then, surprise, surprise: there are albums in the DB as reported by clicking on the “Local” option in the main menu.

But if I look at the status of the folders (Page Local of the Configuration), There is NO FOLDER at all…

And the option “rescan folders for change at each start” was OFF when apparently in the new version it is forced at ON.

So, apparently, the remote does not correctly reflect the status of the app (Folder syncing seemed to be in progress when it was not), and the app itself is ignoring what it has already performed (Successfull addition of an audio folder).

I do not see anything particular in the log, apart from this long list of errors “obtaining device description from” with the IP address of my box and the wifi repeater.

Can you post again the debug info?

Bonjour Antoine,

Here you are! It seems that the debug info confirms there is no synced folders when there is one (Library not empty, AND fingerprinting in progress).

Audirvana Studio

Linux 4.4.302+ with 1.6GB physical RAM

Connected account of : Eric Conquet

Status: available


Polarity Inversion:
	Globally: OFF
	Per track: ON
Effects plugins NOT ACTIVE

r8brain not in use
r8brain filter parameters
Bandwidth = 99.5%
Stop band attenuation 218dB
Phase linear

Max allowed volume: 100
Replay Gain: None
SW volume control: OFF

Sync list: 0 folders
Library database path: /var/packages/audirvana-studio/home/.local/share/audirvana/AudirvanaDatabase.sqlite

Local audio files fingerprinting
Fingerprinting track 14024/57526 : /volume1/Archive_data/Audio/Classique/Chopin - 4 Ballades & 4 Impromptus - Anna Vinnitskaya (2021)[24-48]/04. Chopin Ballade No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 52.flac

Remote Control server:
Listening on on port 37883


UI theme: dark
Font size: regular
Language: System language
Show album covers in tracks list: yes
Source list sorted:
My Music
Startup view: My Music: Albums
Show local extended in source list: no
Use media keys: yes
Use media keys for volume control: yes
Number of paired remotes: 1
Remote pairing code required: no
Screen saver disabled: no

=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

Active method: UPnP

Preferred device: [UPnP] R-N2000A 6368C9 Model UID:Yamaha Corporation R-N2000A UID:uuid:9ab0c000-f668-11de-9976-acb6876368c9

Selected device:R-N2000A 6368C9
Manufacturer: Yamaha Corporation
Model name: R-N2000A
Model UID: Yamaha Corporation R-N2000A
UID: uuid:9ab0c000-f668-11de-9976-acb6876368c9
UPnP device at

16 available sample rates up to 5644800Hz

Volume control: Yes
Max volume alert: Enabled

MQA capability
Auto-detect MQA devices: Yes
Not automatically detected, user set to not MQA

DSD capability
Raw DSD (msb)

Device audio channels
Preferred stereo channels L:0 R:1
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1

UPnP set capabilities
Maximum PCM frequency set: 192000Hz
Maximum PCM bitdepth set: 24
Maximum DSD rate set: DSD128
Avoid RAW PCM streams: No
Unwanted playback stop workaround: No

UPnP / DLNA supported protocols :
DLNA 1.5: Yes
Native Gapless playback: Yes
Universal Gapless playback active: No
Missing events workaround: No
Can play native DSD: Yes
Volume Control: scalar
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: No

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream(s)
Channel #0 :Stream 0 channel 0
Channel #1 :Stream 0 channel 1
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 44.1kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 48kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 32kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 88.2kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 96kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 64kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 22.05kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 24kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 16kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 11.025kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 12kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit big endian 8kHz
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 44.1kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 44.1kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 88.2kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 88.2kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 176.4kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 176.4kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 48kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 48kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 96kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 96kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 16bit little endian 192kHz finite length
2 ch Integer PCM 24bit little endian 192kHz finite length
2 ch DSD 8bit little endian in 8bit chunk 2822.4kHz finite length
2 ch DSD 8bit little endian in 8bit chunk 5644.8kHz finite length

Current device transportInfo:
CurrentTransportState: STOPPED
CurrentTransportStatus: OK
CurrentSpeed: 1

Current device MediaInfo:
NrTracks: 1
MediaDuration: 0:04:04
CurrentURIMetadata: dc:titletestTitle</dc:title> upnp:classobject.item.audioItem.musicTrack</upnp:class>
PlayMedium: NETWORK

Current transport actions:

Current device AVT service description:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 1 0 DMR-1.50 urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1 R-N2000A 6368C9 Yamaha Corporation MusicCast R-N2000A N2000A 0A4333A3 uuid:9ab0c000-f668-11de-9976-acb6876368c9 image/jpeg 48 48 24 /Icons/48x48.jpg image/jpeg 120 120 24 /Icons/120x120.jpg image/png 48 48 24 /Icons/48x48.png image/png 120 120 24 /Icons/120x120.png urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport /AVTransport/desc.xml /AVTransport/ctrl /AVTransport/event urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl /RenderingControl/desc.xml /RenderingControl/ctrl /RenderingControl/event urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager /ConnectionManager/desc.xml /ConnectionManager/ctrl /ConnectionManager/event urn:schemas-yamaha-com:service:X_YamahaExtendedControl:1 /YamahaExtendedControl/v1/ 1707

Current device RootDevice description:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 1 0 DMR-1.50 urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1 R-N2000A 6368C9 Yamaha Corporation MusicCast R-N2000A N2000A 0A4333A3 uuid:9ab0c000-f668-11de-9976-acb6876368c9 image/jpeg 48 48 24 /Icons/48x48.jpg image/jpeg 120 120 24 /Icons/120x120.jpg image/png 48 48 24 /Icons/48x48.png image/png 120 120 24 /Icons/120x120.png urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport /AVTransport/desc.xml /AVTransport/ctrl /AVTransport/event urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl /RenderingControl/desc.xml /RenderingControl/ctrl /RenderingControl/event urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager /ConnectionManager/desc.xml /ConnectionManager/ctrl /ConnectionManager/event urn:schemas-yamaha-com:service:X_YamahaExtendedControl:1 /YamahaExtendedControl/v1/ 1707

UPnP devices found : 3
Device #0: R-N2000A 6368C9
UID: uuid:9ab0c000-f668-11de-9976-acb6876368c9
Manufacturer: Yamaha Corporation
Model name: R-N2000A
Device #1: AVM 70-42982E
UID: uuid:91dd2025-3a4b-49bd-b79f-c2f8c13ae220
Manufacturer: Anthem
Model name: AVM 70
Device #2: CRX-N560 84BA0
UID: uuid:5f9ec1b3-ed59-1900-4530-00a0dea84ba0
Manufacturer: Yamaha Corporation
Model name: CRX-N560


Max. memory for audio buffers: 620MB

Local Audio Engine: Linux ALSA library1.1.0

Local devices found : 0


Chromecast devices found : 1
Device #0: AVM 70-42982E
ID: AVM-70-164489e8a5f76e6f5bbf513492387bf1
Model name: AVM 70

Yet another weird sequence I observed on the Syno at startup.
Startup sequence:
To be noted that I’m forced to stop the AS package on the Syno before using the MAC version as I noticed some effects on sound when both app are running: some very brief interruptions of sound that are extremely unpleasant when listening to music.

Then, the sequence:
- I start the remote and select the Syno.
- I get a popup informing me that the computer has been disconnected (I presume the Mac AS version).
- I click on OK: nothing happens, I’m back to the connection screen
- I click again on the Syno name: now I’m asked to enter the six digit code that appear on the computer screen (Bad news: there is nothing on the Syno screen as there is no MMI for AS on that platform
- I click on Cancel: and finally I get the login screen (On
- I enter my credentials: this is followed by “loading” and then again a popup telling me that the computer will be disconnected.
- No time to click on OK and I’m back to the connection screen
- And then, finally, after a few seconds, I can see the content of my library.

It’s rather different from what I can observe when switching to Mac version from the Syno One.

We made an update to the Linux version today. Can you check if you have the issue after you made the update?