YOU have one choice to make Studio or Origin better

Yes as title says (category was difficult to choose!?!)
YOU only have ONE choice to make
Studio or Origin better…
What would it be for YOU…

Yes, i know, only ONE thing is tough
to stay put on topic…
so many in my mind :slight_smile:

Me, just make us have the choice
to make our own Artist Albums view
like (i) we want… First to last, not, like now
with no choice, stuck to last to first !!!
come on !!!, after all those years,
not done yet !!! It can’t be so difficult to change,
since we already have those options
else where in the settings of Audirvana.

What is yours?

A promise from Audirvana that they will never try to implement something like Roon ARC in Audirvana. Seen lots of posts on the lack of progress on the main Roon playback experience due to the very high volume of time/effort expended on ARC problems.

Not a feature request I know…….Just pray Audirvana sticks to what they are good at……superlative SQ, whilst improving features related to user experience playing and managing their online and local libraries.


Yes, but you are already not follow…
Oh! Not following Roon ARC, Ok
What is Roon ?! :grimacing:

What YOU want from Audirvana itself?

I know Roon (not really :grinning:, i don’t stream),
i know JRiver, i know HQPlayer,
My question is…
what you need now from Audirvana?
ONE answer…

Ok then. A slider to adjust font sizes (in a similar way to what you can do with album art) rather than existing two options (default and large)


I purchased Origin and subscribed to Studio for a year, so I didn’t need to use version 3.5.
What I don’t like is having to pay for a software subscription.
I think Audirvana could sell an Origin version with Qobuz and Tidal, and only update for a year.
Anyone who wants new updates pays for a year again. Basically how JRiver works.


The Origin version with Qobuz and Tidal is, Studio!
You already have the option.

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I was referring to purchasing the software.

Simple. Scrap the subscription.
I refuse to rent software.

I still use V3.5 and it still does what I need (streaming and playback of local files). If it were substantially improved I would absolutely consider buying a new version, but Audirvana will not get any more money from me while the current subscription model is the only option.


That the software really works. For example: On my Windows 10 pc there is no firewall enabled. Yet Audirvãna states that Windows Firewall is enabled.

Yes, I know… That’s the option, purchase Origin, or subscribe to Studio if you want streaming. If I’m correct there was only going to be Studio, until enough people didn’t want streaming or subscription, so Origin was the result.

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Life Time Billing for Audirvana Studio


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As many have pointed out, there’s other options to purchase if Audirvana doesn’t suit. The option to vote with your wallet exists also.

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Of course we do, I am so far on 3.5.50 and also curious if Spotify will something bring to the party. Even when Spotify is 20 EUR/month the price might be competitive in comparison to Qobuz plus AS.


“Me, just make us have the choice
to make our own Artist Albums view
like (i) we want… First to last, not, like now
with no choice, stuck to last to first !!!”

I second this…

Would like to see this but accept that Audirvana needs to ensure a sufficient revenue stream so the price would need commensurate with the cost of providing the service over 10 years or so. I would happily pay US$ 800 for a lifetime AS subscription.


when you take the quotient between lifetime billing and annual billing with Roon and apply this to Audirvana you would pay about EUR 400 for a lifetime AS subscription. I would be happy to pay this if Qobuz/AS is superior to lossless Spotify.



Either way, that’s up to Audirvana, I would not want to see them deprived of cash and having to reduce their support and development of the app. They are in the business because they are passionate about sound quality but they need to be remunerated sufficiently to ensure they can continue development and make a profit. Has to be win/win for both sides. Having a smaller subscriber base than Roon means they have to balance income and development expenditure prudently……….


Do everything, moving forward, to maintain and/or improve the audio-engine performance… Enable Spatial Audio on computer platforms that can support the DSP without impinging on the fundamental quality of the Audirvana audio-engine… The future is in the multi-channel experience,

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

this can’t be happened cause some need the functions of the studio some don’t…like me.

so it’s understandable the vital situation of two different versions…