YOU have one choice to make Studio or Origin better

Just bought Origin. Maybe be able to manually put a little artist biography or album comment in my language.

Have a Linux distribution to install on an Intel NUC !


Hi folks,
only one choice is really hard.

For me it would be continuous play of similar tracks.
I love to listen to a specific album and I really take my time for that.
But sometimes music is also a background to my daily life so I hate it when music stops after the album has finished.
I‘d love an option to keep audirvana playing similar songs. Maybe based on genre to keep it simple or more sophisticated based on „mood“ if possible (maybe bpm?)

If I had a second chance I would love to see „Versions“ in my library. I have many albums in different versions (e.g. CD / Remaster / HighRes / 5.1). I‘d love the option to see just one entry in my collection an be able to select a different Version via second click.

Cheers Celindir


I really like this one ! With a visual clue on the cover list that this album has several entries, that’d be pretty cool. I wonder if there’s an ID3 tag which could be used for this, I just checked on the (wonderful) macOS Meta app and couldn’t find a “version” field, so I wonder what could be used.

That’s something I expect from the future when AI will be able to scan (whether locally or communicating with a database) and propose similar tracks, albums and artists. As for now, I think BPM or genre ID3 tags are both really insufficient to produce any recommandation. There’s an ID3 tag field called “mood” which could be used for this, but if Audirvana decides to display it, it’ll have to be populated by hand.
It’s one of the very exciting things AI could do, and I really hope this will not be stuck on streaming services because in my case, way too many albums I listen to aren’t in those boring clouds.

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The one feature would be: More info about album, artist, composer etc.
I would like to briefly describe how I used to listen to music. I put on a vinyl, sat down comfortably, listened to the music - and then took the record sleeve to have all the information about the album and band in front of me.

That’s also what I love about Roon, for example (which I don’t use for various reasons): I have all kinds of info about my local music at my fingertips. Plexamp and the good old LMS also offer a lot here, but hey: I want to stay with Audirvana!

It’s all about sound-quality… more CPU demand diminishes sound-quality… Maybe in the future where CPU operations and Memory becomes a non-issue in regard to digital-audio code integrity at output, then some more superfluous features can be implemented… However it is a mistake to be everything for everyone… Make ultimate sound-quality the focus in regard to Audirvana, everything else is superfluous.

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:


When viewing library, whether artists, album, etc., entering the first letter of the search criteria moves the view to items that begin with that first letter. Entering the second letter moves that view to items that begin with the first two letters. For example, entering A moves view to items beginning with A. Immediately entering N moves view to items beginning with AN.

Thank you for the opportunity to make Audirvana even better!

Ain’t that already working? for me seems to work with Origin
or i miss interpret what you are thinking :slight_smile:
G E N…

Since i start this thread can i have 2 demands :slight_smile:

remove the ‘SEE ALL’ and show all always… even on the remote…
that remote lose so much space for nothing
put the library icon on the down side not on the settings…
remove the magnified glass there or the heart… Library is more important i think :slight_smile:

I suppose getting the current stuff in working order should be the priority.

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updated one time for mac last week if i remember.

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Thanks for the reply, but not what I was thinking. I should have been more clear in my original description. Not using the search feature, when viewing for example Albums, striking an “A” key while in the album view will change the view to show albums beginning with "A " starting on the top left of the album view. Immediately striking an “N” would start the album view with albums beginning with AN at the top left. If the second letter is entered after a set period say 3s, the top left album in the view would switch to albums beginning with N.

Agreed nothing ranks above audio playback quality.


If the “sound quality” could be damaged by improvements to the user interface that would be some piss poor programming for sure. Probably virtually impossible without trying hard.

I do agree with your suggestion :+1:t2: pretty basic stuff actually.


Agree that new UI features would be nice, however this has to be tempered by maintaining a priority on core functionality. The software is primarily a high quality sound reproduction application first. That is why most of us use it. Everything else is eye candy and fluff.

A rush to mirror some features of the competition can result in bloatware. Having viewed a competitors forum there seem to be many issues associated with search in the cloud, constantly adding features and failing to focus on core functionality rendering the software unusable for some.

Adding features for the sake of features normally does not end well. Would hate to see Audirvana become another victim of the “bloatware” mentality…


Adding artist albums view first to last instead of last to first DOESN’t change anything on the sound, removing a step to see all albums from an artist instead of having to click see all first, DOESN’T change anything on the sound… clicking A on keyboard to see A first Artist DOESN’T change anything on sound…

Sound was made on the origin core, those are just bug or long time not added feature or request or something like, not touching sound… adding Qobuz to Origin THAT ‘could’ impact sound, sorry Studio people :grinning:


My concern is not on the little things, more in terms of a creeping reliance on the internet connection for search, rich metadata etc etc. If Audirvana ever became an internet connection reliant service such as its main competitor, I would dump it for something else that did not have this limitation or move to a streamer with internal storage.

As regards Audirvana being stagnant, I would disagree, merely the pace of change is determined by the size of the development team which is in turn a function of the number of subscribers. Judging by what appears to me to be an increasing number of new users on this forum in the last couple of months the pace of change may accelerate…

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I don’t even need Internet with Origin, i paid my license, i did my tags, i don’t even know why the HD analyzer thing, not so reliable often, needs to be connected to Internet ??

Studio is different and a soft i don’t need or want :grinning:

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I use Studio and it is nice that it pulls in album reviews from Qobuz amongst other things. I would just hope that it retains its current configuration that in the event no internet is available it reverts to Origin functionality for a local library rather than refusing to run…

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I don’t agree with this statement, mainly based on the fact that a huge back catalogue of stereo only releases exist that shouldn’t be messed with in the name of “multi-channel”

It’s all about entertainment and moving into the future of music production … Stereo was a compromise to three-channel (LCR), and a progression from monophonic,

There are good recordings and there are not-so-good recordings and bad recordings, some we appreciate and some we don’t appreciate, some entertaining, some not so entertaining, etc, etc … So if you don’t want to listen to virtualized multi-channel and stereo productions then don’t…

Virtualization is the future for modern mass music productions… like it or not… We can already extract contextual localization/spatial information from stereo recordings and virtualize them to re-create dimensionality that exists in the stereo production, but cannot be reproduced via a simple two-channel playback over speakers or a speaker in an acoustic space and headphones, etc… Using psychoacoustic technology we can create a perceived contextual spatiality from two speakers… Yamaha can create virtual acoustic and Atmos spatiality using what they call Virtual Cinema Front using a front-line array of five-speakers + sub… (L ,LF, C, RF, R, Sub) with their psychoacoustic technology.

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes: