Audirvāna Studio Features and Tutorial

Audirvana Remote couldnt connect .

Is there supposed to be a new remote app?

Yep, it’s still not out. At least not in my country’s app store.

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The Remote is not ready yet, we need to make improvements about it but you will be informed when it will be available. It will be an update of the actual Remote and you will be able to use it on Studio or 3.5 as it will recognize the version you are using.

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Sorry to chime in, but still no lyrics feature? Other than that, everything works superbly.

Is there a timeframe for this? I could not begin to evaluate studio without the remote, as I run Audirvana headless.

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@Antoine I am having the same problem

man, initial library scans are always sooo slow. Not just an Audirvana thing. It has gone non-responsive a couple of time and I have force quit and restart. That used to happen in 3.5 as well. The difference is that I am on a new iMac with the 10th gen i7 and 64gb of Ram. Audirvana shows it is using 50% of total ram, and only around 10% CPU. It has gotten through loading my library though, now it is just analyzing my files. I only have 38k tracks, which is like 3000 albums at most. @tarheelneil, how long does it usually take for you to do a full import and scan of your 300k tracks?

After initial use I must say it is disappointing. I can’t hardly find a feature that competitors are missing - it is rather Audirvana catching up. Kernel streaming is nothing new. Proper seek bar - I’m happy it is finally here, I’ve been asking for this feature personally but is has been in Roon for years. Honestly speaking I fail to see a good reason to pay subscription fee. It is a pity since Audirvana has been my player software of choice and I’ve loved, but new licencing scheme pushes me again towards roon unfortunately. Roon pricing has been one of reasons why I’ve selected Audirvana in the past.

As for technical support I am yet to discover what it really means - in the past some bugs were not fixed for weeks.

As for constant development - this is another undiscovered territory. In terms of features I see very little additional improvements I would like to see. So far I rather see some bugs like bad screen scrolling when selecting tracks in albums that needs to be fixed.

If the new subscription model would not be introduced with this release I’d be quite happy and maybe willing to upgrade. However subscription model pushes me away from Audirvana and makes me search for alternative. Pity :frowning:

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I started about two hours ago, and am at almost 88k.

I had the same problem

In the RADIO section, will there be a FAVORITES button?

Not sure if we need to wait hours, days or weeks to have this remote available. Having it available close to the windows/Mac release could have been great as I assume a lot of people are using the remote app…

It’s the only reason I would want Audirvana is for a decent remote functionality. Without the remote app working I may as well stick with using Qobuz on my Mac Mini.

I do have Roon on a years subscription but I was hoping to sack that off for Audirvana and the remote app.


I’d like to have the remote. Never have I been able to connect the remote on my Android (lastest phones) and that experience still eludes me with AS.

Ah… Wishing an’ hoping.

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This is my second round of thougs about Studio:

  • Why on earth there is no stop button?! It makes diffucult to change DAC settings when you have selected track.
  • I can’t force Studio to play DSD256 on Mytek Brooklyn Bridge. Have no idea why.
  • Disabling searching every time for all possible sources including internet radio which I don’t use makes me avoid search option.
  • When track wave seek bar is enable and Studio can not draw it for one or another reason, the final seekbar is hardly usable due to its micro size.
  • Wave track seekbar is sometime to small to be able to pin point specific part of a track.
  • Subscription model for a music player… sorry but I still don’t get it.

Overall so far: I’ve loved and still love Audirvana, there are some thing I like very much about Studio but it has so many drawbacks and bugs that I don’t feel like being a betatester and being forced to pay for it monthly at the same time. Wish it was the other way around.

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Please remember this 1.1 version of this iteration of the Audirvana family is VERY early. Like all good things we wait, expectantly, for the best … I’m confident Damien and the team will come toward us with a really great player … already great, greater I mean.


See the little LOCK BUTTON on far right. Click this to stop playback and you can access your DAC settings.

Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 11.52.30 am

NOT as intuitive as before and very quickly, once you know what to do, it become intuitive.

@philipjohnson thanks a lot for the tip about how to stop track. While it will make my life easier during testing trial period I still think it is counter intuitive and I’m still wondering why not add simple stop button from the very beginning, call me old fashioned :wink:

The argument about 1.0 and 1.1 version in 2021 with regards to the music player software scares me every more from subscription model because it means I will have to pay for nobody knows how long to get a set of features I’ve already have in Audirvana (like stop button) and as I’ve said before I am not willing to be a beta tester who have to pay to be one. It should be the other way around. I also do not use nor plan to use new features like internet radion. On the other hand I can’t find my tidal playlists which is crucial for me.

I will just stick to Audirvana for as long as I can and move to another player. It makes me sad that eventually I will not be able to use my favorite player but lives go on. Maybe someone else will come up with competitive product I will like as much I like Audrivana. Who knows?


I think the square stop button is an easy implementation and will probaby appear if enough people want it. The unlock button has a different purpose altogether from what I gather… unlock dac settings.

Eventually good sense trumps design. In fact a great design primarily is good sense and ease of use. It’s always been that way and will always be so.

Where we see ground-breaking design and functionality the human race is rejoicing. I think Audirvana has always been that. From day one I loved the look because it did not look like a computer music player AND sounded beautiful. Call me old-fashioned. :notes::musical_note::musical_score: (see attached image).


I am not specifically a fan of Audirvana , neither am i detractor. I hope I am a fair critic.

I appreciate even if 1.1 is an Early Release, that is not what the hype is about.

Why go to the trouble of the Facebook presentation, a rewrite of the Web site and start a furore of subscription accunts if the released product is to be treated as a beta product .

I am sure many of the Audirvana stalwarts will be more than happy to put AS through its paces and report bugs

BUT this release is being touted as a finished product which it clearly isn’t

I keep repeating , my award winning Cambridge Audio CXN will not play whereas it did on 3.5. This is not a product in need of fine tuning, it needs serious attention