Audirvāna Studio Feedback

Completely agree with you :wink:
Greetings from France

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My experience is that AS downloaded fast to my MacBook Air, set itself up and imported my local library faultlessly.

Playback via Raspberry Pi 3b with RopieeeXL on the micro SD card, through to the digital input of a Node 2i sounds not only different to version 3.5 but also more detailed, spacious and airy through my kit and ears with instruments sounding more natural.

I listened for hours last night to a complete mix of music types which represent my own library, and albums from Tidal and only stopped when I absolutely had to.

I will be subscribing although like many I’d prefer a one-off fee and I’m hoping that the new look and especially sound will not be changed and I also hope that difficulties being experienced by others of us will soon be overcome.


I love hearing that. Very few people ever agree with me and to get completely blows my mind.

Greetings from Sydney, Australia

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I am still struggling with this. With my CXN v2 NO files will stream over upnp. With my OPPO 205 only 24 bit files (44.1 and above) OR forced upsampled play fine. Over usb no problem with either machine. There was no problem with 3.5 so I guess a fix should be easy as they only need to replicate what is in the old player.

If I recall my rumors from years ago correctly, the person or people who once wrote Bit Perfect for the Mac ripped off Damien’s work on the old open source version of Audirvana, essentially forcing him to close the source.

Regarding feedback on Studio: For anyone for whom tracks stopped before the end or repeated without being set to do so, 1.1 has fixed that for me.




2 tentatives de transfert de collection échouées.
Puis 4 jours d’importation et d’analyse des fichiers (qui ajoute un tag à chacun des fichiers audios à raison de 1000 fichiers par jour)
A ce jour j’ai encore rien pu lire, et mon ordinateur est monopolisé 24/7. A ce rythme il y en a encore pour plus d’une semaine pour importer ma collection …


That has the ring of truth. Or the pre-ring. No wonder BitPerfect sounded good. But Audirvana did the same thing and better with FLAC and DSD–on a Mac. I wish streaming didn’t exist, it is going to bankrupt musicians, especially now that with Apple not raising prices for lossless, they’ll all have to split $9.99/month, from the second-string rapper’s entourage to the symphony triangle player.

Yes. And it is adding those tags to your files without your permission or without even letting you know. Damien claimed in another post that the music tracks where NOT affected, but clearly they are, as is already established/proven in other posts.
This is how a virus or malware is expected to behave (altering your private files without permission), but Audirvana should not do this. AS is adding MusicBrainz Id’s to the files. A lot of those Id’s are incorrect as well. I have 4 TB of music files. Most of them are changed by Audirvana. My NAS backup program and my Cloud Backup program are running overtime now, to backup all the files Audirvana changed. And how do I correct 4 TB of music files? By hand? I can’t even restore a backup, because they are already affected by Audirvana too.

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I received an email with a link to this Site.
There you can read that the New remote is downloadable. But it is still in development! .

I agree that it was ill advised on Damien’s part to organise the analysis of files in this fashion, but it would help to keep things in perspective. I am sure you know that Audirvana is neither a malware or a virus.

May I remember all that when Replaygain became available on Audirvana, no one complained about information being written in our music files. We probably accepted it as we all understood the value of it.

MusicBrainz added value is, as has been well explained elsewhere, quite questionable.
The fact is, we know our music files much better than any of the tagging services I know off.

Like many, I have bought download music from a number of suppliers over the years, and I have been shocked by their cavalier attitude to tagging metadata, and always had to mend the mistakes and inconsistencies in albums they dared charging us good money for.

Interesting, although I see no mention of it in the Apple app store.

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My perspective is clear. I never said Audirvana is a virus.
But altering my private files without letting me know or without asking my permission is virus/malware like behaviour.
This is certainly not how a well behaving program like Audirvana should act. In the meantime I am stuck with around 4TB of altered music files. I use MusicBrainz Picard to edit my metadata, I certainly do not want another program to change that for me behind my back without knowing.

Damien claimed in another post that the music tracks where NOT affected. This clearly is not true. Maybe it is a mistake on his part or a bug (or just plain misinfomation). Fact is that I trusted this information and now I am stuck with the unwanted results.


Thank you for the good sense in this post. I agree with you about the r8brain upsampling: even my wife, who is tolerant of an audiophile, heard the difference immediately. But my DAC (the Holo May) is engineered, quite ingeniously on the level of phase-locked loops, for non-oversampling of the data. And with oversampling deactivated, the difference between 3.5 and AS was equally apparent, also to my wife. And r8brain upsampling 44.1 to 705.6 was acceptable, and my wife really liked it, but it was not as good as 44.1 ‘unprocessed’ to the Holo May. So, 1) I think if you own a Delta Sigma DAC, you really ought to try r8brain on Audirvana Studio as an endgame solution so far, ahead of other transports or servers. But 2) from my own experience it fails to compensate for whatever changes were made in the data processing and transmission between 3.5 and Studio, and this makes me suspect that at least in part, it is in fact a compensation for some skulduggery. Because I cannot imagine any excuse for a change that alters the unprocessed transmission. This alteration is depressingly audible on my DAC, which is not the most expensive, but is the most resolving yet measured. I remember when Damien in his manual–maybe version 1 or 2–actually commented that from his experience he saw no reason to upsample, when the only option he offered was iZotope SRC. Conclusion: Audirvana is no longer bit perfect.

P.S., I wish streaming did not exist. Musicians and engineers need to unionise globally and demand 90%+ of the profits from these streaming companies, to permit them the damage they do to their product.

AS keeps showing me the “info-screen” screen at every launch… do you have a similar behavior?.. and I muss the genre selection at Qobuz… this is bad :frowning:

I sympathise entirely with your predicament, and share it too, and I am disappointed by the whole affair, but for now, the point has been made and repeated by many.
Let’s hope Damien will do something about it in a new release, as shortly as humanly possible will do.

Follow the screen for once like 4 pages, then check case not showing again

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Until Damien (or someone else from the Audirvana team) does react in an honest and transparent way, I am afraid it will be repeated over and over again… :wink:

Open and transparent communication is of the essence here. But until now there is only a wall of silence.


I agree, Audirvana’s team is deafeningly absent from this thread…


As an avid user of A3.5 (running on an iMac), I thought I would add my feedback and thoughts on AS as follows:

  1. GUI - The GUI is better and more intuitive. There are a few quibbles such as font size and I would like to see my playlist under the left sidebar. I would also like the ability to make the mini-player smaller than present. But these issue are relatively minor and overall it looks more cool than A3.5.

  2. SQ - The sound is great, as it is under A3.5. I need more listening time to work out the differences between the two, but my initial impression is that the sound is more open and holographic compared to A3.5 (when listening with headphones). Although I’m not sure if this is just user enthusiasm for something new.

  3. Library management - This is where I have most concern. I mainly listen to classical music and most classical music comes with really messy and inconsistent tagging across both record labels and suppliers (I mainly purchase HD flac files). Accordingly, I have spent considerable time retagging my collection, and expect others have done so as well. So I take umbrage with AS for modifying my files without my permission. I am told that AS is only tagging each file with an ID to link it with further metadata from Musicbrainz which is stored separately in the AS database. Nevertheless, it beggars belief that AS did not stop to think that this would cause considerable anger amongst users. Furthermore, I have yet to see the results of this “analysis”. Perhaps this is work in progress?

  4. Subscription - I understand the direction. I imagine the current single lifetime subscription strategy is not sustainable. I am not against paying a monthly/annual subscription, but it really depends on the service AS intends to provide. Roon has created its own niche in the market with its multi room multi device streaming ability. What is AS providing? I do wonder. I suppose time will tell. In the meantime, I am somewhat underwhelmed on consideration that this is now a subscription-based product.