Issues with H590

got it. will check my WiFi connection. I did not have this problem in the past. It’s new to about three or so weeks ago. Have been using the same setup for a year.

It is always difficult to provide support through a forum. There is possible something to do with your firewall or antennas is a newly installed device or……… what is causing the problems.

there is something else: i have a break only at the end of songs, not in the middle. thanks!

I don’t think it is what you suggested. It is entirely random when it stops. if i press play right away, it continues playing. It, as I said, only stops at the end of songs. I am not sure how to find help for this issue if not on this forum.

You can always contact Hegel and have them test it.

It worked flawlessly a few weeks ago? Has anything changed that you know? updates to the PC, system or Audirvana.

Is it now completely without stops with USB?

Then it should be in the UPnP part. Over WiFi it stops all the time and when wired only at the end? Is this also with an album or with varying formats?

Are the problems there or not with upsampling? Only at Tidal? If you set Tidal to quality High?

What if you adjust the maximum buffer size. Can you tell if the buffer loading stops just before the end? You should be able to see from the playback bar how far loading has been completed.

right. i don’t think this is about Hegel. can you direct me to the solution that concerns Audirvana?

Yes, you can use USB connection from the computer directly. Otherwise you will need a network bridge that is compatible with Audirvana.

do you work for Audirvana? I am at a loss of the kind of advice I’ve been getting on this board. It seems that the authors are saying, look somewhere else. your problem is not audirvana’s.

Only @Antoine and @Damien work for Audirvana.

For the rest, everyone gives you well-intentioned advice based on their own experience. And often it doesn’t help at all to find a solution. :wink:

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Hi Antoine,
When I play Audirvana over a cable, I don’t have stoping issues. When I play it wirelessly, i have the issue intermittently. When playback stops, it is always at the end of the song. Stop happens randomly. What should I do?

to add, play button on the bottom of the Audirvana screen is not highlighted. I need to go into que to stop and start songs.

Will the connection be maintained properly? Or does something change on the Hegel’s screen at that moment?

We don’t know what the problem is exactly. To figure it out you would need Audirvana, Hegel device and deep technical skill to troubleshoot it.

Now, I don’t know if Audirvana has access to Hegel devices, but Hegel can easily have access to Audirvana software.

We exhausted troubleshooting options available to you as a user. Audirvana 3.5 is discontinued product. The current version is Audirvana Studio. Until some other solution is available, you need to look for a workaround.

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Hmm. Can I upgrade to AS free of charge?

Audirvana Studio is a subscription. You could get a 1 year subscription at a discount as an owner of previous version. Not sure if this offer is still available. You can test it for free though.

i upgraded. I have the same issues when I stream wirelessly. when I use cable, no issues.


my goal is to use AS to stream wirelessly without glitches. I cannot do that now. Can you help me troubleshoot or should I abandon my attempt to use AS?
as it is every song quits mid way

Networking is handled by the operating system, not directly by Audirvana. If it works via cable connection, it should work wirelessly as well. You might need to work a bit on the wireless settings. You can always have a hybrid approach. Have the Hegel connected via cable to the router and your computer then connected wirelessly to your home network.

Which router do you have? Are you familiar with networking settings? If not, you may want to ask somebody to help you.

mentioning operating system – my issues started when I updated to Big Sur. Could that be it? thanks