SysOptimizer error Studio

Il m’arrive aussi de commettre ce lapsus. :grinning:

J’ai encore un PowerBook 17’ G4 à la maison qui marche parfaitement bien.

@PML, @Mathieu, @Doudou
Celui que je n’oublierai jamais c’est le PowerBook G3. Une machine tout terrain indestructible qui m’a suivi sur les chantiers très, très longtemps…

brace yourself for a huge invoice very soon :slight_smile:

Fatal anticipation of inheritance might just do it! :smile:

He is my son my friend !

Don’t worry he pays me in very nice food whenever I come by :smiley:
Here is what you need to do:
Launch a terminal then go to the first folder:
cd /Library/LaunchDaemons/

Change ownership, permission and remove quarantine of the Audirvana files you have installed there (sudo command will ask for your password the first time)
sudo chown root:wheel com.audirvana*
sudo chmod 644 com.audirvana*
sudo xattr -d com.audirvana*

Then go to:
cd /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/

Same here if you have the files:
sudo chown root:wheel com.audirvana*
sudo chmod 644 com.audirvana*
sudo xattr -d com.audirvana*

Then reload the daemon process with:
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.audirvana.SysOptimizerTool.plist

You should be all set (you can if you want then run the 2 other commands from Damien but they are not necessary to make it work).

Free for dad of course, I’ll send the humongous invoice to Damien, expect the subscription price to double due to the consulting effort :grin:

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[quote=“thdevita, post:54, topic:25379”]
Free for dad [/quote]

Wait, who are you “thdevita”? Are you the so called “Alain”?

It was a rather badly worded joke on my behalf that CapGemini would even charge their family for work :slight_smile:

Close enough. I’m his son lol

Bravo, Monsieur. Nous attendons une solution depuis deux jours. :heart_eyes:

Je n’ai pas essayé encore d’appliquer votre solution, mais il y a quelques détails que je ne comprends pas.

Vous dites :

Launch a terminal then go to the first folder:
cd /Library/LaunchDaemons/

C’est quoi “cd” ? Il 'y a pas un tel répertoire sur le Mac ? Comment on peut aller à ce repértoire ?

Vous dites plus loin :

Then go to:
cd /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/

Same here if you have the files:
sudo chown root:wheel com.audirvana* … ETC…

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi aller à ce répertoire pour taper une commande dans le terminal ?

En plus, quand je lance vos commandes dans le terminal, le terminal me demande mon mot de passe.
Et quand je tape mon mot de passe d’administrateur, il le rejette !
Je ne comprends pas… Est-ce qu’il faut taper dans le terminal le mot de passe d’installation de l’application Audirvana Studio ?

Thanks Tom :joy:
Hope that will not be confusing for non-Terminal regular users !

I believe that Damien will understand it. And hopefully will explain to us what to do.

Alors dans l’ordre: but in English for every one.
cd is just a command to Change Directory, if You look at another threads, @Antoine asked to put a few files for SystemOptimizer in these folders, I’m sure he’ll script what I’ve done so you’ll get it from the source :wink:
The issue is that depending on how you put those files in there they might have the wrong owner and permission. On top of that Mac OS puts a quarantine on files coming from internet. What the command are doing is to change the owner of the files to the right ones, adapt the read/write permissions to the right ones and remove the quarantine (in case the message “Do you really want to open this file” doesn’t pop up, if you don’t you might just have the message again so it might not be necessary).

Your password should be your admin password, when you type it nothing will appear, this is normal.
If you don’t feel comfortable with doing all these let’s just wait for @Antoine to adapt this but know that there is a work around to make it work.

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Thank you very much, Tom.
I’ll try everything over again.

AS 1.1 was released. I installed it, but the bug of SysOp was not fixed.

I’ll try later to apply the hack that Tom generously posted.

Effectivement aucun changement de mon coté aussi.
Et pour ceux qui ne pratique pas les commandes Terminal…reste à attendre que cela soit fixé par Audrivana.

Je ne comprends pas les commandes de Terminal que Tom a posté pour nous.
Quoi copier dans le presse-papier ? Quoi coller dans le Terminal ?
Des ingénieurs en informatique comprendront, mais moi, je ne sais pas où commence chaque commande et où elle se termine.

Pour un utilisateur lambda, c’est risqué d’exécuter des commandes dans le Terminal, si on n’est pas très clairement guidé. On risque de causer des dégâts irrémédiables au système. Je vous déconseille donc d’essayer d’appliquer ce hack avant de prendre quelques précautions.

Moi, je vais préparer d’abord un clone de mon disque de démarrage sur un disque externe.
Je vais démarrer sur ce disque externe.
Je vais essayer ensuite d’exécuter les commandes du Terminal sur le système du disque externe.
En cas de problème mon disque de démarrage restera intacte.
Je conseille de procéder de la sorte à tous ceux qui veulent tenter ce hack.


I don’t understand the Terminal commands that Tom posted for us.
What to copy to the clipboard? What to paste in the Terminal?
Computer engineers will understand, but I’m unable to understand where each terminal command starts and where it ends.

For an average user, it is risky to execute commands in the Terminal, if he is not clearly guided by a competent person. There is a risk of causing irreparable damage to the system. I therefore advise against trying to apply this hack before taking some precautions.

I will first clone my boot drive on an external disk.
I will boot from this external drive.
I will then try to run Tom’s Terminal commands on the system of the external drive.
In the event of a problem, my boot disk will remain intact.
I recommend doing this to anyone who wants to try this hack.

I also have the same problem on big sur. Will it resolve with an update?

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